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Chemicals lower levels of vitamin D in the body

Chemicals lower levels of vitamin D in the bodyAccording to a new study, hormone-disrupting substances like bisphenol-A and phthalates can lower levels of vitamin D in the bloodstream. During the winter period, it is a problem to get enough vitamin D to begin with, as the sun sits low in the sky and we only get a limited amount of the nutrient from our diet. The combination of too little vitamin D and hormone-disrupting substances is rather unfortunate because lack of vitamin D increases the risk of infections, winter depression, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and cancer.

Read more about how hormone-disrupting substances like bisphenol-A and phthalates can lower levels of vitamin D in the bloodstream

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Vitamin D supplements help children with autism

Vitamin D supplements help children with autismThere is an increasing amount of science that links lack of vitamin D to autism. In a new study, 109 autistic children were given either a vitamin D supplement or placebo. According to the lead researcher, Dr. Khaled Saad, there was a distinct improvement in autism symptoms such as hyperactivity, social reclusion, and other function impairments in the children who took supplements of vitamin D, but not in the placebo group. The study is published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (2016)­.
It is alarming that many babies are born with a vitamin D deficiency, or become vitamin D deficient later in life. The nutrient controls numerous processes in the brain – including gene control and regulation of serotonin (neurotransmitter) levels and inflammation processes.

Read more about how vitamin D supplements help children with autism

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Nine anti-ageing tips for 2017

Nine anti-ageing tips for 2017New Year’s resolutions are often related to healthier living with better dietary choices, fewer stimulants, and more exercise. We want to stay as young and vital as possible with lots of energy. However, life is not always that simple, and nature often needs a helping hand. The following anti-ageing tips – including the essential beauty sleep – are based on a summary of articles that have all been published previously on this site.

Read more about the nine anti-ageing tips

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Denmark sets the cancer record again

- and lacking certain nutrients may play a vital role

Denmark sets the cancer record againNew figures from the cancer database, Nordcan, reveal that Danish women hold the record in cancer prevalence, and both sexes still have the lowest cancer survival rate among the Nordic countries. Experts claim that this is linked to our lifestyle. However, cancer even occurs among people with healthy lifestyles, and international studies suggest that modern diets tend to lack optimal amounts of selenium, vitamin D and omega-3, all of which have cancer-preventive properties. Research also points to melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone.

Read more about how Denmark sets the cancer record once again and how a deficiency of specific nutrients plays a vital role

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How does Q10 affect athletic performance?

How does Q10 affect athletic performance?Q10 is involved in the energy turnover in all cells. The highest concentration of the compound is found in the heart, as this muscle needs to pump day and night and to supply muscle cells with more blood when we are physically active. The cellular energy turnover takes place inside some minute powerhouses called mitochondria. A Danish-Swedish study has shown that the mitochondria in the muscle cells of top-notch athletes have a different construction that makes them able to produce up to 25 per cent more energy. Earlier studies show that Q10 is able to improve athletic performance, and it all boils down to optimizing the energy turnover in the cells.

Read more about Q10 and how it influences athletic performance

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Essential nutrients may prevent impaired hearing and improve certain hearing problems

Essential nutrients may prevent impaired hearing and improve certain hearing problemsIt is commonly known that vitamin A is good for your vision, but most people are unaware that we also need specific nutrients in order for our hearing to function optimally. In this connection, age-related hearing loss is not necessarily linked to mechanical dysfunctions of the ear but rather to how the brain processes the sound information.

Read more about essential nutrients and how they can prevent impaired hearing and even improve certain hearing problems

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Shift work disrupts the body’s sleep-wake cycle and increases your risk of overweight and stroke

Shift work disrupts the body’s sleep-wake cycle and increases your risk of overweight and strokeLiving in contradiction with the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle may be life-threatening, as shift work reduces the body’s production of melatonin, which controls our sleep pattern and many general physiological processes. However, taking melatonin supplements may compensate for the lowered endogenous production and even for shift work and other disturbances of the body’s sleep-wake cycle.

Read more about shift work and how it disrupts the body’s sleep-wake cycle and increases your risk of overweight and stroke

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Vitamin D reduces virus and airway infections

- and may save the lives of many weak and older people

Vitamin D reduces virus and airway infectionsSupplementing with high doses of vitamin D may lower the rate of acute airway infections by up to 40 per cent. This simple trick may have the potential to save millions of lives, as many older people, cancer patients and others people with impaired resistance die of pneumonia.

Read more about high doses of vitamin D and how they may lower the rate of acute airway infections by as much as 40 per cent

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Vitamin E deficiency is common - and supplements differ in quality

Vitamin E deficiency is common - and supplements differ in qualityLack of vitamin E increases your risk of fertility problems, atherosclerosis, blood clots, and Alzheimer's disease. The diet contains eight different forms of vitamin E. The vitamin is also available in supplement form, either as natural or synthetic vitamin E, and there are huge differences in terms of their effect.

Read more about vitamin E and its importance for cellular functions, the cardiovascular system, and the immune defense.

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Vitamin D inhibits inflammation

- which is involved in asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and most chronic diseases

Vitamin D inhibits inflammationThis time of year, many people suffer from asthma, aching joints, or an exacerbation of other chronic diseases that involve inflammation. This is often because they lack vitamin D, as the sun sits too low in the sky for us humans to be able to synthesize the vitamin. Also, the diet and normal vitamin pills only provide minimal amounts vitamin D. It has been known for a long time that vitamin D counteracts inflammation. Now, a large systematic study is planned to investigate how supplementing with large quantities of vitamin D can affect the molecular mechanisms that counteract inflammation.

Read more about vitamin D and how it inhibits inflammation that is involved in asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and most chronic diseases.

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Lack of vitamin K increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, fragile bones, and other health problems

Lack of vitamin K increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, fragile bones, and other health problemsVitamin K is primarily for its role in helping blood coagulate. Otherwise, the vitamin is heavily underrated. For instance, the bones depend on vitamin K, and those people who consume the greatest amounts of vitamin K have the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and blood clots. It is important to know the difference between vitamin K1 and K2 and to know how well they get absorbed in the body.

Read more about why vitamin K is so important for your cardiovascular system and for maintaining strong bones

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Q10 and cholesterol make an essential team

- but ageing processes and cholesterol-lowering drugs inhibit the body’s Q10 synthesis

Q10 and cholesterol make an essential teamNo matter how you twist and turn it, cholesterol is an essential substance, and we humans produce most of it ourselves. What is important is to make sure that the cholesterol we have in our blood does not oxidize, and that is something which Q10 and other antioxidants take care of. Stable blood sugar levels also help us maintain a healthy cholesterol balance.

Read more about Q10 and cholesterol

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