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Norway takes up the fight against dubious nutritional supplements

Norway takes up the fight against dubious nutritional supplementsIn October, the Norwegian government passed a law against the import of medical drugs that are not approved by the Norwegian health authorities. The whole purpose with this new law is to protect Norwegian consumers against narcotics and forged medical drugs. In fact, the new law includes food supplements and this has caused an uproar among Norwegian supplement users who feel that it is an infringement of their right to buy any imported food supplement they desire.

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Why does overweight lead to diabetes?

and can antioxidants prevent it?

Why does overweight lead to diabetes?  and can antioxidants prevent it?Overweight often leads to type-2 diabetes and the early stage of the condition known as insulin resistance. A new scientific study suggests that oxidative damage, also known as oxidative stress, sets the stage for these disturbances in the body's sugar and lipid metabolism. The doctors behind this study therefore theorize that it is possible to prevent type-2 diabetes with antioxidants that are known to counteract oxidative stress.

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HPV vaccines, the immune system, and an informed choice

The HHPV vaccines, the immune system, and an informed choicePV vaccine that is used as protection against cervical cancer has been subject to massive media coverage lately because it has serious side effects. But how do people make an informed choice? And is it possible to use specific essential nutrients to boost the immune system against HPV and possible side effects from this vaccine?

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