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Skin disorders and premature wrinkles are often caused by a lack of nutrients

Skin disorders and premature wrinkles are often caused by a lack of nutrientsThe condition of our skin means a lot to our appearance and health, and being deficient in one or several nutrients can cause premature skin ageing. Also, things like poor wound healing, acne, herpes infections, yeast infections, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin disorders may occur. In a review article published in Medicina, scientists have looked at the role of vitamins A, C, E, D, and biotin plus omega-3 fatty acids in skin health. Studies suggest that selenium and zinc may also be important for healthy skin and anti-ageing. If you don’t get enough of these nutrients or if you simply have an increased need for them, you may consider taking a supplement.

Read more about why skin disorders and premature wrinkles are often linked to lack of nutrients

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Are you getting enough vitamin D to protect you against COVID-19 and other virus infections?

Are you getting enough vitamin D to protect you against COVID-19 and other virus infections?Active vitamin protects us against virus infections in a number of different ways. Vitamin D also controls the inflammatory processes and prevents them from becoming complicated. In a review article published in World Journal of Virology, scientists have pored over multiple meta-analyses and placebo-controlled studies that show a clear relation between vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 and influenza. Being vitamin D-deficient can also increase the risk of these infections turning into SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) that can result in potentially life-threatening circulatory failure and organ failure. Apparently, vitamin D plays an important and overlooked role in the prevention of virus infections.

Read more about vitamin D against COVID-19 and other virus infections

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Vitamin D supplements can lower blood pressure in overweight seniors

Vitamin D supplements can lower blood pressure in overweight seniorsLack of vitamin D is a global health problem. The same is the case with overweight and hypertension, a combination that results in millions of deaths. Apparently, supplementing with vitamin D can lower blood pressure in people who are overweight, according to a study that is published in Journal of Endrocrine Society. It is important to be aware of the interactions between vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium.

Read more about why vitamin D lowers blood pressure in overweight seniors

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Sleep disorders may be linked to vitamin D deficiency and environmental toxins

Sleep disorders may be linked to vitamin D deficiency and environmental toxinsVitamin D is important for the hormone system and our sleep, but certain environmental toxins like phthalates, bisphenol A, and triclosan can disrupt our hormone balance and sleep quality. Lack of vitamin D can even exacerbate the harmful effect of the hormone disruptors and, according to a study published in Nutrients, this may have a negative impact on our sleep.

Read more about sleep problems and how they are linked to vitamin D deficiency and environmental toxins

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Q10 lowers the side effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs

Q10 lowers the side effects of cholesterol-lowering drugsCholesterol-lowering statins are associated with side effects such as aching muscles, fatigue, memory problems, diabetes, and poor sleep. At a molecular level, these drugs interfere with the body’s synthesis of Q10, which we need for cellular energy turnover. Moreover, Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells against free radical damage. According to a review article published in the journal Cureus, Q10 supplements may lower side effects such as muscle pain.

Read more about why Q10 reduces the adverse effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs

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Vitamin D status during pregnancy affects the child’s bone health even at age seven years

Vitamin D status during pregnancy affects the child’s bone health even at age seven yearsVitamin D is important for calcium uptake and bone health. According to a placebo-controlled follow-up study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, children whose mothers supplemented with vitamin D during their pregnancy continue to have stronger bones, even at the age of seven years.
The pregnant women in the study took 25 micrograms of vitamin D, which is more than twice the officially recommended intake. It is generally important for the child’s health that its mother has optimal vitamin D levels in the blood during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Read more about why a vitamin D status during pregnancy also affects the child’s bone health at age seven years

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Magnesium is essential - should you consider taking a supplement?

Magnesium is essential  - should you consider taking a supplement?Magnesium is vital for your health and quality of life in many ways. Still, around 30 percent of the population is believed to be magnesium deficient. This can either be because of an inadequate dietary intake of the mineral or because the body excretes too much magnesium due to stress, medication, chronic ailments, and other causes. Magnesium deficiency, which is difficult to diagnose, increases the risk of osteoporosis, infections, insomnia, cardiovascular diseases, overweight, diabetes, stroke, cancer, neurological disorders, and many other things, according to a review article published in Clinics and Practice. The authors list magnesium’s many functions and suggest supplementation as a convenient and inexpensive way to avoid a serious and widespread health problem.

Read more about why magnesium is essential

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There is an alarming omega-3 deficiency in the world

 There is an alarming omega-3 deficiency in the worldOmega-3 fatty acids are very important for brain development, mental health, vision, the cardiovascular system, the immune system, regulation of inflammation, and other functions. In most countries, the omega-3 consumption is too low, according to a large global update where scientists have measured the concentration of the two omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, in the red blood cells. Too little omega-3 increases the risk of cognitive impairment, depression, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular ailments, and early death. Also, pregnant women risk premature delivery or giving birth to a baby with lower IQ. It is important that health authorities are aware of this so they can encourage people to improve their health to reduce the huge burden of all these chronic diseases.

Read more about the alarming problems with omega-3 deficiency in the world

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High-dosed vitamin D supplements relieve carpal tunnel syndrome

High-dosed vitamin D supplements relieve carpal tunnel syndromeCarpal tunnel syndrome is a common and very painful wrist condition. Although there are many underlying factors, chronic inflammation appears to be the main cause of the pain. It also looks as if the pain can be relieved with high-dosed vitamin D supplements, at least in those patients who are deficient to begin with, according to a study published in Nutrients.

Read more about how high-dosed vitamin D supplements relieve carpal tunnel syndrome

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Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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