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Q10 is good for your heart

Q10 is good for your heartBut the effect is highly dependent on which preparation you buy, as there are huge quality differences. Most consumers are not aware of this.

The groundbreaking Danish study, Q-SYMBIO, was the cover page story in media across the globe last year. It showed that supplements of a compound called Q10 could nearly halve the risk of dying from heart failure while increasing heart muscle strength substantially. The study was headed by a renowned Danish cardiologist from Copenhagen University Hospital, and the team of researchers specifically chose a Danish Q10 preparation for the simple reason that it was the only one that could document superior bio-availability. This is extremely important for the outcome of this type of research.

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Selenium lowers the risk of prostate cancer

Supplementing wSelenium lowers the risk of prostate cancerith the trace element selenium may reduce a man's risk of developing prostate cancer, according to a Danish report.

Men may reduce their risk of contracting prostate cancer simply taking supplements of selenium or by eating foods that are rich in this vital trace element. A 2014 report issued by the National Food Institute, a subdivision of the Technical University of Denmark, concludes on behalf of thorough analyses of the available science that there is an inverse relation between selenium intake and the incidence of prostate cancer. The new report represents the scientific foundation for a whole new set of dietary guidelines recently issued by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

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Swedish scientists behind amazing discovery:

Swedish scientists behind amazing discoveryHere is the formula for quality of life in seniors

Besides cutting the number cardiovascular deaths in half, elderly people who take supplements of selenium and coenzyme Q10 have better quality of life, are less prone to disease, and have more energy than those who do not take the supplements.

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Do you have pain and rheumatism in your joints?

Do you have pain and rheumatism in your joints?Choose natural solutions instead of potentially lethal medicine

Rheumatic diseases and aching joints are extremely common. One in eight Europeans takes arthritis medication, thereby increasing his or her risk of numerous side effects and premature death. Rheumatism and aching joints are typically caused by inflammation. Research shows that the problems can often be treated with dietary changes and the use of supplements that address the underlying causes and make the pain vanish by itself.
Arthritis drugs take more lives than diabetes and traffic accidents. 7-8% of Europeans use anti-inflammatory painkillers that increase their risk of sensitive gastro-intestinal mucous membranes, indigestion, bleeding ulcers, heart disease, and thrombosis. Calculations show that arthritis drugs take more lives every year than traffic fatalities and diabetes together, making this type of medicine a far greater threat. Most people are unaware of this.

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Researchers reveal concerning calculation error:

Researchers reveal concerning calculation errorALARM: We are getting far too little vitamin D

The recommended dietary intake of vitamin D in the UK is 17 times lower that it should ideally be in order to provide sufficient protection against disease. That is what two teams of US scientists have concluded independently of each other.

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Still good reasons to take vitamin D

Still good reasons to take vitamin DIn 2012 a Danish study was published in order to determine a possible correlation between, among others blood levels of vitamin D and deaths from all causes. This study has unnecessarily scared some from taking supplements of vitamin D, despite the fact that it showed that more than half of the participants suffered from vitamin D deficiency, and that only a minority had a very high vitamin D level, which not necessarily is the course of increased mortality.

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WHO warning: We need to cut back on our sugar consumption

WHO warning: We need to cut back on our sugar consumptionWHO is worried about the global overconsumption of sugar and the organization recently issued a red flag warning. To some people cutting back on their sugar intake may not be that easy, however. In many cases, supplementing with organic chromium yeast may prove beneficial.

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Sales arguments or documentation?

What should your choice of food supplements rely on?

kosttilskudAre manufacturers of nutritional supplements making a whole-hearted effort of documenting their products? Or do they often get away with hot air? If you browse through the web sites of Danish supplement producers it seems rather obvious that only very few are actually able to put their money where their mouth is.

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Magnesium, an ignored mineral for healthy bones

Magnesium, an ignored mineral for healthy bonesIn a study, researchers measured intake, absorption and excretion of magnesium in 4 - 8 year old children. Surprisingly, the researchers found that intake and absorption of magnesium, but not of calcium were significantly associated with bone density and bone mineral content.

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