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Q10 lowers risk of dementia

Q10 lowers risk of dementiaDr. Yamagishi and colleagues from Japan's University of Tsukuba in a new study has used data from 6,000 middle-aged Japanese, and for the first time have been able to show that low levels of coenzyme Q10 in the blood are strongly associated to an increased risk of disabling dementia.

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CLA helps persons with overweight

CLA helps persons with overweightYet another scientific study confirms that CLA is effective. A new Spanish double-blind randomized study has shown that 3 g of CLA daily given to a group of healthy, overweight persons, reduced their amount of fat and their weight over a period of 24 weeks.

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Vitamin D decreases the risk of fibroids

Vitamin D decreases the risk of fibroidsWomen who get sufficient vitamin D is approximately one-third less likely to develop fibroids in the wall of the uterus, according to a U.S. study published in the journal Epidemiology. This study is the first to relate uterine fibroids to the level of vitamin D.

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Fewer complications and improved survival with high vitamin D

A study has shown that patients with low vitamin D levels in the blood are at increased risk of serious complications or death after surgery, cardiac surgery excluded. For each 5 ng/ml  increase of vitamin D in the blood the overall risk of death and complications after surgery decreased seven percent.

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Has science found the perfect Heart Drug?

A strong heart is vital to your health. Lack of cardiac strength is exactly what causes people with heart failure to deteriorate so rapidly. For decades, digoxin has been the most commonly used heart-strengthening drug but a recently published study has shed light a whole new heart-boosting compound that is particularly interesting because it reduces mortality, strengthens the heart, and does not appear to have side effects.

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Selenium Compounds fights cancer

In a new scientific study Danish researchers from Copenhagen University have demonstrated that methylated selenium compounds can regulate the body's immune system enabling it to better fight certain cancers. These selenium compounds are found in certain foods such as garlic and broccoli, but also in selenium yeast.

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Could scarce nutrient help infertile couples?

Could scarce nutrient help infertile couples?A new study links thyroid disorders to female infertility. At the same time, it is known that selenium, an essential micronutrient, is required for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Modern diets are depleted of selenium and the question is: Could selenium supplements be a good place to begin for infertile couples before embarking on expensive IVF therapy?

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Low vitamin D is a killer

Low vitamin D is a killerDanish researchers have found a link between low levels of vitamin D in the blood and increased risk of early death. The alarming finding is published in the British Medical Journal.

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