Melatonin is a natural substance that gets produced in the brain at night. Supplements of melatonin are highly useful for people who suffer from recurrent insomnia or travel across several time zones.
Depression is triggered by many different factors, and many people in medical therapy for their condition are not treated for the actual cause. In prevention as well as in treatment, it is vital that the brain has a sufficient supply of energy and nutrients to help the nervous system function optimally.
Even the earliest ageing processes are known to damage central parts of our immune system, leaving us more exposed to infection, inflammation, and cancer. However, new studies demonstrate that antioxidants such as vitamin C and selenium may repair the damage.
Periodontal disease (tooth loss) affects most of us at some point. Because it is an insidious disease, it is important to set in with early prevention on several accounts. It is not a matter of saving your teeth and smile - your heart and cardiovascular system are also a target of the ailment.
Osteoarthritis is a widespread disease that eventually affects the majority of us. The symptoms often feel worse during the wintertime. A European group of experts now recommends glucosamine sulfate as first-line treatment, before painkillers, as glucosamine sulfate is the only remedy that can prevent further progression of the disease and therefore effectively reduces the pain.
Although cancer treatments have improved drastically, science has still not managed to break the curve. On the contrary. A growing number of people contract cancer, and that is why we should focus more on the trace element, selenium, which possesses several mechanisms against cancer. However, it requires that we get enough selenium and that is in a form that the body is able to utilize optimally.
Migraine headaches make life miserable for millions of people. Because migraines are often caused by a lack of two nutrients or triggered by factors relating to diet and the environment, it is relatively easy to do something the disease.
During menopause, many women experience hot flushes, mood swings, impaired sleep, sensitive mucous membranes, aching joints, and several other problems. However, most of these symptoms occur as a result of our lifestyle not being properly adjusted to our evolutionary heritage. For that reason, simple dietary adjustments and supplements with essential nutrients can often reduce the annoying symptoms.
It is usually dietary fiber and water that get mentioned when the discussion is about constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. However, we also need an adequate intake of magnesium, as this minerals affects our digestion by way of several different mechanisms. Constipation is associated with numerous complaints and conditions such as headache, bad mood, eczema, and aching joints, so it is important to rid the body of toxins and empty the bowel, preferably 1-2 times daily.
If you want to lose weight and/or maintain your ideal weight, it is important to focus on the right proteins, on Q10, and on brown fat cells, as it all boils down to having an effective metabolism and proper energy utilization.
If you plan to lose weight in the New Year, forget all about counting calories or working up a sweat in the local gym, unless that is what you want. The first thing you should look at is the distribution of white and brown fat tissue in your body and how you can increase the burning of fat with a few adjustments.
More and more people boost their immune with help from Echinacea, ginger, smoothies, and juices packed with vitamin C, antioxidants and secondary immune-strengthening compounds. Nonetheless, none of these otherwise useful strategies can compensate for the widespread lack of vitamin D that is the underlying reason why so many of us contract virus infections during the winter period.
Sufferers of multiple sclerosis (MS) who struggle with fatigue symptoms may be helped with a supplement of the vitamin-like compound coenzyme Q10.
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) with around 80% of MS sufferers being affected by it, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. It gets worse as the day progresses and the only known medications (amantadine hydrochloride and modafinil) have very limited effect.
Statins do more than lower your cholesterol. They have an array of side effects but you can effectively counteract them by taking coenzyme Q10 together with your drug.
Has your physician told you to take cholesterol-lowering statins? Well, it has to be said that these drugs are highly effective for lowering cholesterol. What you may not know, however, is that statins also lower levels of coenzyme Q10, a vital substance which all your cells need to produce energy. Coenzyme Q10 and cholesterol are synthesized in the liver and share the same biochemical pathway, and statins work by blocking this pathway. When levels of coenzyme Q10 go down, you risk a number of side effects that occur when the body's cells suddenly produce too little energy to function normally.