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Make sure to get a good night’s sleep

it’s the ultimate and essential “brainwash”

Make sure to get a good night’s sleep  it’s the ultimate and essential “brainwash”Groundbreaking research reveals that the human brain is detoxified during our sleep. On the other hand, toxins accumulate in the brain if we suffer from sleep disturbances, increasing our risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and numerous other conditions. If you are not helped by the most common guidelines for better sleep, supplementing with the “sleep hormone” melatonin may be an obvious solution that even offers plenty of positive “side effects.”

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Can Q10 supplements prevent migraines?

Studies have shown that sufferers of recurrent migraine headaches may benefit from supplements of the vitamin-like substance coenzyme Q10.

Can Q10 supplements prevent migraines?Migraines may be caused by a number of things and cannot be cured as such. A variety of medications have been designed specifically to treat migraines and, in addition, certain drugs that are commonly used to treat other disorders may even help relieve or prevent migraines. However, an increasing number of migraine sufferers seek more natural ways to deal with their recurrent migraine attacks and one remedy that has attracted a substantial amount of interest is the vitamin-like compound coenzyme Q10.

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Vitamin D toxicity is not a problem

Even at very high intake levels, vitamin D does not appear to cause toxicity, an American study reveals.

Vitamin D toxicity is not a problemSome experts have warned people against taking vitamin D in doses that exceed the recommended daily allowance (RDA), claiming that excess vitamin D may lead to problems such as hypercalcemia, a condition characterized by elevated blood calcium levels that may cause weakness, kidney stones, and brain and heart disturbances. However, a study conducted by Mayo Clinic researchers has shown that vitamin D toxicity is not really an issue. The team of scientists analyzed blood data collected in the period 2002-2011 from patients in the Rochester Epidemiology Project and made some interesting observations.

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Vitamin D and multiple sclerosis is there a connection?

Researchers have found that individuals who are genetically prone to low vitamin D status have an increased risk of multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D and multiple sclerosis is there a connection?A team of researchers from McGill University, Canada, has found a link between decreased vitamin D status and increased risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). In their study, which is published in PLOS Medicine, they compared data from thousands of participants with and without MS. As part of their research they looked at how genetic factors affected vitamin D levels in the participants. The researchers found that those people who were genetically prone to low vitamin D status were at least twice as likely to have MS. To explain their observations in more simple terms, when you increase a person's circulating levels of 25OHD (biologically active vitamin D) by 1.5-fold, it decreases their risk of developing MS by 50%.

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Low vitamin D levels may be a marker for sclerosis

Low vitamin D levels may be a marker for sclerosisAmerican scientists have demonstrated that measurements of vitamin D levels in patients with early stages of sclerosis may predict how fast the disease will progress. If levels are low it may be a sign of faster disease progression and also a sign that this development may be slowed down if the patients increase their vitamin D intake.

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Norway takes up the fight against dubious nutritional supplements

Norway takes up the fight against dubious nutritional supplementsIn October, the Norwegian government passed a law against the import of medical drugs that are not approved by the Norwegian health authorities. The whole purpose with this new law is to protect Norwegian consumers against narcotics and forged medical drugs. In fact, the new law includes food supplements and this has caused an uproar among Norwegian supplement users who feel that it is an infringement of their right to buy any imported food supplement they desire.

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Why does overweight lead to diabetes?

and can antioxidants prevent it?

Why does overweight lead to diabetes?  and can antioxidants prevent it?Overweight often leads to type-2 diabetes and the early stage of the condition known as insulin resistance. A new scientific study suggests that oxidative damage, also known as oxidative stress, sets the stage for these disturbances in the body's sugar and lipid metabolism. The doctors behind this study therefore theorize that it is possible to prevent type-2 diabetes with antioxidants that are known to counteract oxidative stress.

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