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Ageing processes inhibit the utilization of several essential nutrients and that can have serious complications for your health

Ageing processes inhibit the utilization of several essential nutrients and that can have serious complications for your healthAccording to Bruce Ames, an American biochemist, ageing processes are largely due to lack of nutrients. One important contributing factor is the fact that our uptake and utilization of vitamins and minerals decrease with age. In addition, a lot of different types of medicine block our ability to utilize different nutrients. As a result of this, many of our enzyme processes slow down, making our cells increasingly vulnerable and that increases our risk of disease. Nonetheless, there is a lot we can do to optimize our intake and utilization of nutrients, particularly with respect to vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iron, selenium, and zinc. It is also worth taking a look at Q10 for energy turnover and melatonin for healthy sleep. Our endogenous synthesis of both compounds decreases with age.

Antioxidant supplements may reduce respiratory diseases in patients with cystic fibrosis

Antioxidant supplements may reduce respiratory diseases in patients with cystic fibrosisSupplementing with strong antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin E, selenium, and coenzyme Q10 may help patients with cystic fibrosis by reducing a number of the respiratory infections that come with the disease. This was seen in a study by researchers at the Children’s Hospital Colorado and the University of Colorado, United States.

Antioxidants and their role in sperm cell quality

Antioxidants and their role in sperm cell qualityImpaired sperm quality if one of the major reasons for involuntary infertility. Studies show that oxidative stress, an imbalance between harmful free radicals and protective antioxidants, causes damage to sperm cells. In a review article that is published in Reproductive Sciences, a group of researchers look closer at different molecular mechanisms and how vitamins C, E, selenium, zinc, and coenzyme Q10 plus other antioxidants protect the vulnerable sperm cells.

Are you tired and lethargic?

- then read more about the best enzymes, vitamins, and minerals for your energy levels

Are you tired and lethargic?We all need loads of energy to help us through the day feeling on top of the world. Needless to say, this requires stable blood sugar levels, daylight, exercise, and a good night’s sleep. But what are the energy-providing substances in our food? And why are Q10 and particular vitamins and minerals so essential for our energy metabolism and our physical and mental well-being? An article recently published in Medical News Today looks at this and explains that being deficient of a single nutrient can affect our metabolism, energy levels, and weight regulation. Luckily, this can be compensated for so we get the necessary energy boost.

Blood sugar, diabetes, and supplements

Blood sugar, diabetes, and supplementsType 2 diabetes is spreading like a bushfire. An alarmingly many people have metabolic syndrome – or pre-diabetes – which is characterized by insulin resistance, hypertension, elevated cholesterol levels and abdominal obesity (apple-shaped body). Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome are associated with enormous human and socio-economic costs. In this article, we will look closer at chromium, vitamin D, magnesium, and coenzyme Q10 plus relevant diet changes to see how they can positively affect blood sugar levels, cholesterol balance, and weight control. We will also take a closer look at supplements that are able to prevent diabetic neuropathy, a disorder that can lead to amputations.

Can Q10 supplements prevent migraines?

Studies have shown that sufferers of recurrent migraine headaches may benefit from supplements of the vitamin-like substance coenzyme Q10.

Can Q10 supplements prevent migraines?Migraines may be caused by a number of things and cannot be cured as such. A variety of medications have been designed specifically to treat migraines and, in addition, certain drugs that are commonly used to treat other disorders may even help relieve or prevent migraines. However, an increasing number of migraine sufferers seek more natural ways to deal with their recurrent migraine attacks and one remedy that has attracted a substantial amount of interest is the vitamin-like compound coenzyme Q10.

Can you absorb the vitamins, minerals, and Q10 you take

- or are you wasting money on the wrong supplements?

Can you absorb the vitamins, minerals, and Q10 you takeIt is only natural to expect a nutritional supplement to be absorbed and deliver an effect. However, for this to happen, you must look for products with documentation. Countless multivitamin products and supplements with Q10, selenium, chromium, magnesium, and iron have very poor quality and are not properly absorbed. Our ageing process alone impairs the uptake of vitamins and minerals, and the same is the case if we lack essential fats, have too high calcium levels, or use antacids and other types of medicine – so this also needs to be taken into account.

Clinical evidence shows that Q10 supplementation helps heart failure patients

Clinical evidence shows that Q10 supplementation helps heart failure patientsLife cannot exist without coenzyme Q10. The compound is necessary for the energy turnover in all our cells. It also functions as a powerful antioxidant that protects the heart and cardiovascular system against oxidative stress. Humans are able to synthesize Q10 but our endogenous production decreases with age. Heart failure patients also have reduced levels of Q10 which can be fatal, but decades of research have shown that Q10 supplements can improve quality of life and reduce mortality by close to 50 percent, according to a review article in Journal of Clinical Medicine. Here, the authors refer to 90 published articles. It is also important to get enough selenium, which helps Q10 function optimally.

Diabetics have complicated deficiencies of vitamins and Q10

Diabetics have complicated deficiencies of vitamins and Q10Diabetes is spreading like a bushfire across the globe, but even if governments, doctors, and health authorities have tried desperately to bend the curve, they have not succeeded so far. On the contrary. Today, diabetes is controlled with help from different medical drugs that do not address the underlying cause and actually affect or organ systems. Because of this, diabetics often have impaired quality of life and shorter lifespans than healthy individuals. What is more, diabetics have widespread vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiencies, which are associated with diabetic neuropathy, which is a serious complication. Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) are also linked to reduced levels of Q10, a compound that is necessary for energy turnover, the heart, and the cardiovascular system.

Diet changes and specific supplements can improve sperm quality and testosterone levels

Diet changes and specific supplements can improve sperm quality and testosterone levelsInfertility affects around one in seven couples. WHO considers it a global health problem. One of the leading causes is impaired semen quality, and Danish, Norwegian, and German men have lower sperm quality than any other male populations. Impaired sperm quality may be a result of an unhealthy lifestyle with stress, tobacco, stimulants, and hormone-disrupting compounds. On the other hand, scientists from Mexico have found that supplements of zinc, selenium, Q10, and omega-3 have an effect on the number of sperm cells and their quality. Other studies show that zinc and selenium protect sperm cells and are important for testosterone levels.

Essential nutrients may prevent impaired hearing and improve certain hearing problems

Essential nutrients may prevent impaired hearing and improve certain hearing problemsIt is commonly known that vitamin A is good for your vision, but most people are unaware that we also need specific nutrients in order for our hearing to function optimally. In this connection, age-related hearing loss is not necessarily linked to mechanical dysfunctions of the ear but rather to how the brain processes the sound information.

Headaches, migraine, and relevant supplements

Headaches, migraine, and relevant supplementsMost people have experienced a normal headache, while migraines are far more complex. Although the pain can be caused by a number of factors, essential nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin D, magnesium, fish oil, and coenzyme Q10 may play a vital role according to a review article that is published in Current Pain and Headache Reports. The authors describe how certain nutrients affect underlying mechanisms that may prevent or mitigate different types of headaches.

How does Q10 affect athletic performance?

How does Q10 affect athletic performance?Q10 is involved in the energy turnover in all cells. The highest concentration of the compound is found in the heart, as this muscle needs to pump day and night and to supply muscle cells with more blood when we are physically active. The cellular energy turnover takes place inside some minute powerhouses called mitochondria. A Danish-Swedish study has shown that the mitochondria in the muscle cells of top-notch athletes have a different construction that makes them able to produce up to 25 per cent more energy. Earlier studies show that Q10 is able to improve athletic performance, and it all boils down to optimizing the energy turnover in the cells.

How Q10 prevents and relieves migraines

How Q10 prevents and relieves migrainesHigh-dosed supplementation with coenzyme Q10 is able to reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of migraine attacks, which is because the compound reduces levels of a brain peptide that causes pain and inflammation. This was shown in a groundbreaking study that is published in Nutritional Neuroscience. Pharmaceutical companies are now working around the clock to develop a patentable drug that is able to block this peptide, but migraine sufferers may just as well use Q10. It is already available without a prescription. Always choose a high-quality product with documented bioavailability to ensure that the Q10 molecules reach the energy-producing mitochondria of the cells. The reason why migraine sufferers may have an increased need for coenzyme Q10 is that they have mitochondrial defects.

Increased focus on mitochondrial disorders

- with links to cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological disorders

Increased focus on mitochondrial disordersThe mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells that churn out energy in a process that involves oxygen, Q10, selenium, and other nutrients. Around 100 years ago, the German Nobel Prize winner, Professor Otto Warburg, demonstrated that even if cancer can be caused by a number of secondary factors, there is only one primary cause: alterations in the mitochondrial oxygen turnover. In his recent book, Tripping over the Truth, molecular biologist Travis Christoffersen describes how contemporary scientists confirm Warburg’s theories and says that we need to look at prevention and cancer treatment from an entirely different angle. Other studies show that Parkinson’s disease, migraine, senility, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders may be rooted in defects of the mitochondria that have many other functions besides delivering energy. It is therefore vital to take care of the mitochondria throughout life. You can read more about the ketogenic diet that optimizes mitochondrial energy turnover in different mitochondrial diseases.

Is chronic fatigue syndrome caused by a Q10 deficiency?

Is chronic fatigue syndrome caused by a Q10 deficiency?Perhaps so. More and more studies reveal that it helps to take large quantities of Q10 and a vitamin B3 derivate. Q10 and vitamin B3 are both essential for the body’s energy turnover, which takes place inside the mitochondria of the cells. A more recent study shows that taking supplements of the mentioned nutrients can also have a positive effect on the heart, which is the body’s central motor.

Lack of Q10 and selenium speeds up your ageing

- and increases the risk of degenerative disease and early death

Lack of Q10 and selenium speeds up your ageing It is commonly known that degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney ailments, and liver diseases are often linked to poor quality of life and shorter lifespan. Supplementing with Q10, possibly in combination with selenium yeast, may have a positive influence on the mentioned conditions and lower your risk of premature death by as much as 50 percent or more. In fact, Q10 can help delay the ageing processes by protecting the heart, cardiovascular system, and cells, according to a large review article published online by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). As mentioned in this article, it is essential to use supplements that are pharmaceutical-grade in order to ensure proper absorption in blood and tissue.

Lack of vitamin C can worsen the development of periodontal disease

Lack of vitamin C can worsen the development of periodontal diseasePeriodontal is the leading global cause of tooth loss. It is a problem to prevent and to treat this condition because large population groups are neither able to nor used to taking proper care of their teeth and because it is expensive to see a dentist. A group of Australian scientists have decided to take a closer look at vitamin C’s role in dental health and determine how important it is to get enough vitamin C from the diet and from supplements. Another substance is important for preventing periodontal disease. You can read more about that in the article.

Magnesium can prevent heart failure

Magnesium can prevent heart failureHeart failure is when the heart loses power and is no longer able to deliver blood to the different parts of the body. Typical symptoms are shortness of breath and physical exhaustion. There may also be symptoms like fluid retention, persistent coughing, chest tightness, increased sweating, or cold sensitivity. Chronic heart failure may be caused by different things, and it is a life-threatening condition. However, according to a study that is published in Journal of Clinical Investigation, magnesium supplementation can improve a type of heart failure called diastolic dysfunction. Previous studies have demonstrated that supplements of Q10 can also improve cardiac function in patients with heart failure.

Most nutritional supplements do not improve heart health or help you live longer because their quality is not good enough

Most nutritional supplements do not improve heart health or help you live longer because their quality is not good enoughThe majority of supplements with vitamins and minerals fails to extend life or protect against cardiovascular disease, although fish oil does seem to have a good effect, according to a large review from John Hopkins University. On the other hand, a Danish study shows that blood levels of vitamin D are crucial for a person’s expected lifespan, and a groundbreaking Swedish study shows that patented supplements with Q10 and selenium benefit older people by improving their cardiac health and reducing cardiovascular mortality by 50%. What matters is to use supplements that contain nutrients in the right quantity, which have a proper quality and can be absorbed by the body. In the following, you can read more about the different studies and learn how you can improve your heart health and increase your chances of a longer life.

New Danish study: Dietary guidelines for diabetics have been misleading for decades

New Danish study: Dietary guidelines for diabetics have been misleading for decadesDiabetes is spreading with epidemic proportions, and an alarmingly high number of people are affected by metabolic syndrome, an early stage of diabetes that causes insulin resistance, elevated cholesterol, hypertension, and enlarged waist circumference. Ever since the 1970s, diabetics have been advised to stick with a low-fat diet consisting of bread, potatoes, and other carbohydrate sources. However, a new Danish study reveals that it is best to cut back on your carbohydrate intake. The new message to diabetics supports research from other parts of the world. Diabetics and people with sensitive blood sugar should focus on eating a diet with fewer carbohydrates, more protein, and more healthy fats. They should also make sure to get enough chromium, vitamin D, and magnesium, all of which are nutrients that support the body’s blood sugar levels. Furthermore, vitamin B12 and Q10 are important for those, who take diabetes medication and cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins).

New focus on biological age, cardiovascular health, and anti-ageing

- with four key nutrients

New focus on biological age, cardiovascular health, and anti-ageingYour birth attest reveals your actual age but your biological age gives a more accurate picture of your health and life expectancy. Our biological age and cardiovascular health are closely connected, with atherosclerosis and arterial stiffness representing a progressive process that eventually leads to the majority of deaths. Nonetheless, you can do a lot yourself by making sure to get sufficient amounts the nutrients that are most vital for good cardiovascular health. In this article, we will look closer at some current studies of vitamin K2, Q10, selenium, and omega-3, all of which are essential nutrients that prevent, each in their own way, atherosclerosis, arterial stiffness, and premature death as a result of having high heart age.

PCOS is often a result of micronutrient deficiencies

- that you can correct with diet changes and supplements

PCOS is often a result of micronutrient deficienciesPCOS – or polycystic ovary syndrome – is a problem that occurs in 5-10 percent of women of childbearing age. It is the most common cause of involuntary infertility. Related symptoms include tiredness, hirsutism (male hair growth), acne, and irregular menstrual periods. PCOS is often linked to instable blood sugar, increased risk of insulin resistance, overweight, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis that causes slow metabolism. Diet and exercise mean a lot in terms of prevention and treatment. The same is the case with different vitamins and minerals. We will be looking closer at B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10, plus magnesium, zinc, selenium, chromium, iodine, and fish oil. We will also be looking at how relevant supplements, according to science, can help control blood sugar levels and the hormone balance.

Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid for treating long COVID-19

Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid for treating long COVID-19After a COVID-19 infection many people experience chronic symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, depression, and sleep disturbances. According to a study that is published in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, supplementing with Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid may help against tiredness and certain other symptoms. The authors describe how Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid support the cellular energy turnover in different ways and serve as antioxidants that protect cells against oxidative stress and cellular damage.

Q10 and selenium may help extend our lifespan

Q10 and selenium may help extend our lifespanA previous study has demonstrated that daily supplementation with coenzyme Q10 and selenium increases heart muscle strength in seniors and reduces their cardiovascular mortality by over 50 percent. Now, a team of Swedish and Norwegian scientists has found that these two nutrients are also able to slow down the age-related shortening of cellular telomeres, which are attached to the ends of all DNA strands. You can compare telomeres to the small aglets that prevent our shoelaces from fraying and tangling. Like aglets, telomeres protect the DNA strands, but they are exposed to attrition and eventually wear out. The more worn our telomeres become, the more exposed the cellular DNA becomes, until it reaches the point where the cell finally perishes. Q10 and selenium appear to preserve telomere length, thereby keeping us in good health for longer time.

Q10 as a natural anti-ageing remedy that can also prevent chronic disease and early death

Q10 as a natural anti-ageing remedy that can also prevent chronic disease and early deathThe number of seniors in the world is growing. It hardly comes as a surprise that old people wish to stay mentally and physically fit and enjoy every minute of the of life. Nonetheless, many middle-aged and older people feel tired and lethargic, or they suffer from chronic diseases that impair their quality of life and are associated with shorter life expectancy. In his book, Coenzyme Q10 – An Insider’s Guide, Dr. William V. Judy looks closer at how Q10 is able to delay the ageing process at a cellular level by increasing energy levels, supporting heart health, and preventing atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases that are linked to ageing. Combined supplementation with Q10 and selenium can even delay the risk of early death by over 50 percent. Dr. Judy makes a point of saying how important it is to choose pharmaceutical-grade Q10 that the body can absorb and utilize.

Q10 for preventing and treating cardiovascular disease

Q10 for preventing and treating cardiovascular diseaseCardiovascular diseases are widespread and one of the major causes of death. The risk is increased by factors such as ageing, diabetes, and overweight. One of the underlying causes is oxidative stress, which is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. Q10, which is involved in cellular energy turnover, happens to be one of the most powerful antioxidants. According to a review article that is published in the scientific journal Antioxidants, supplementation with Q10 can reduce oxidative stress and cardiovascular mortality. It can also improve quality of life and increase the chances of survival. Generally speaking, Q10 has a huge potential for anyone with a desire to remain healthy, and it is important to choose a supplement with documented quality and bioavailability.

Q10 has the potential to attenuate heart disease, diabetes, kidney ailments, and other chronic diseases

Q10 has the potential to attenuate heart disease, diabetes, kidney ailments, and other chronic diseasesQ10 is involved in the cellular energy turnover and it is also a powerful antioxidant that protects cells, tissues, and the cardiovascular system in several ways. Humans synthesize most of their own Q10 but the endogenous production of the compound decreases with age. Besides, certain diseases are associated with lowered endogenous coenzyme Q10 synthesis, and scientists have observed that Q10 supplementation has the potential to attenuate various symptoms linked to heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. Q10 can also improve the heart function in older, healthy people, thereby lowering their risk of dying of heart disease. It is difficult for the body to absorb Q10, which is why scientists emphasize the importance of using pharmaceutical-grade supplements. This topic was addressed in a review article published online by

Q10 protects your muscles

A lot of pQ10 protecs your muscleseople take supplements of coenzyme Q10 to increase their energy levels but according to a new study the substance is even able to counteract muscle damage caused by intense physical activity.

Q10 supplementation improves kidney function in nephrotic disease

Q10 supplementation improves kidney function in nephrotic diseasePrimary Q10 deficiency is a rare dysfunction where the body’s missing ability to synthesize Q10 can lead to a rare type of nephrotic disease that cannot be treated with medicine. According to a new study that is published in Kidney International, however, it appears that Q10 supplementation can reduce the kidneys’ protein excretion, protect renal function, and lower mortality. Based on their findings, the scientists conclude that all patients with primary Q10 deficiency should ideally receive early and life-long Q10 therapy in order to prevent the disease from progressing and to avoid future organ damage.

Q10 supplementation reduces chronic fatigue in both healthy and diseased individuals

Q10 supplementation reduces chronic fatigue in both healthy and diseased individualsQ10 is a key element in the cellular energy turnover and also serves as a protective antioxidant. The human body is able to make most of its own Q10 but as we grow older, our endogenous Q10 synthesis decreases, and this is also the case with certain diseases and as a result of using specific types of medicine. A large meta-analysis has shown that Q10 supplementation is able to reduce chronic fatigue in healthy individuals as well as in people with diseases. Apparently, taking larger doses for longer periods of time works best for energy levels. It is important to choose a Q10 supplement that has the right quality and comes with documentation to ensure that the Q10 molecules are absorbed properly in the blood and reach the energy-producing powerhouses of the cells.

Q10 supplements have a positive effect on diabetics’ cardiovascular system

Q10 supplements have a positive effect on diabetics’ cardiovascular systemDiabetes damages the circulatory system in a number of ways that are linked to impaired quality of life and early death. A meta-analysis shows that if type 2 diabetics take supplements of Q10 it lowers their risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Another positive effect of Q10 is that it serves as a unique antioxidant that counteracts oxidative stress, which is a major cause of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular damage. One of the problems of using cholesterol-lowering statins is that it inhibits the body’s endogenous Q10 synthesis, but this is something one can compensate for. According to Danish research, it is also a good idea to limit your carbohydrate intake and follow the new dietary guidelines that help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Q10 supplements increase your chances of surviving sepsis, which is a common, life-threatening blood poisoning

Q10 supplements increase your chances of surviving sepsis, which is a common, life-threatening blood poisoningAccording to WHO, sepsis is the third-most common cause of death, following cardiovascular disease and death. Sepsis is a result of the immune defense overreacting to an infection in the bloodstream. According to a new Slovakian study published in Bratislava Medical Journal, if you start supplementing with Q10 early in the treatment phase, it may reduce the symptoms and improve the chances of survival. Read more about another nutrient that contributes to the prevention of sepsis.

Q10’s effect on various hormone disturbances

Q10’s effect on various hormone disturbancesQ10 has a key role in the cellular energy turnover and also serves as an antioxidant that protects the body against oxidative stress. Disruptions in the energy-producing mitochondria in cells and oxidative stress may also be involved in different types of hormone disturbances that affect the thyroid gland, pancreas, sex glands, pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands. In a new review article that is published in Antioxidants, scientists look closer at Q10’s role with particular focus on hyperthyroidism, type 2 diabetes, and poor sperm quality, all of which can be corrected through supplementation.

Q10’s role in health and disease

Q10’s role in health and diseaseQ10 is a unique compound with a key role in cellular energy turnover. It also serves as a powerful antioxidant. The body is able to synthesize most of the Q10 that it needs but as we grow older, our endogenous synthesis decreases, making us vulnerable in different ways. Cholesterol-lowering medicine and certain types of disease are also associated with lower levels of Q10 in the body. In a new review article, a group of scientists have scrutinized hundreds of Q10 studies that have been published in the years 2010-2020. They are able to conclude that Q10 is of particular importance to the heart, circulatory system, fertility, muscles, eyes and vision, and the ageing process. Things like migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease are also addressed. The body has difficulty with absorbing Q10 from food and supplements so it is recommendable to always choose a pharmaceutical-grade Q10 preparation with documented bioavailability.

Selenium and Q10 strengthen your heart

- and increase your lifespan

Selenium and Q10 strengthen your heartCardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death. However, in 2013, Professor Urban Alehagen, a Swedish cardiologist, demonstrated that giving supplements of selenium and Q10 to seniors could strengthen their hearts and reduce their cardiovascular mortality rate by over 50 percent. In follow-ups of his research, it was seen that the two supplements had a long-term effect on lifespan, but there is more to the story. In a whole new study that is published in European Journal of Nutrition, Alehagen manages to show in detail that selenium and Q10 have a positive effect on oxidative stress and inflammation at the same time as improving a number of biomarkers of heart health. He also explains why it can be a challenge to get enough Q10 and selenium through an entire life.

Slim with protein and Q10

Slim with protein and Q10If you want to lose weight and/or maintain your ideal weight, it is important to focus on the right proteins, on Q10, and on brown fat cells, as it all boils down to having an effective metabolism and proper energy utilization.

If you plan to lose weight in the New Year, forget all about counting calories or working up a sweat in the local gym, unless that is what you want. The first thing you should look at is the distribution of white and brown fat tissue in your body and how you can increase the burning of fat with a few adjustments.

Sport that causes oxidative stress is very bad for you and increases your need for antioxidants

Sport that causes oxidative stress is very bad for you and increases your need for antioxidantsEveryone knows that exercise and sports activities are good for you, but overtraining and high-performance sport may increase your risk of oxidative stress, which is associated with acute injuries, inflammation and later risk of neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s disease and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). It is therefore a good idea to take antioxidant supplements, as this may help prevent both acute and chronic injuries. A comprehensive article published in the science journal Nutrients looks closer at the relation between free radicals and antioxidants, which have different functions in connection with various types of physical activity. This is especially the case with vitamins A, C, and E plus selenium and zinc. It is also important to make sure to get enough vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids for counteracting inflammation and oxidative stress.

Supplements of Q10 may help people with liver disease

Supplements of Q10 may help people with liver diseaseResearchers have found that sufferers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) can protect themselves by taking the vitamin-like substance coenzyme Q10.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a chronic liver disorder that involves inflammation of the liver and may worsen through a four-stage progression that may eventually lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The condition, which is characterized by a build-up of fat in the liver cells and typically affects people who are diabetic or overweight. There is currently no medical treatment for NAFLD but science has found that the vitamin-like substance coenzyme Q10 may be able to improve the liver’s fat metabolism and reduce the inflammation.

Supplements of selenium yeast and Q10 improve your kidney function

Supplements of selenium yeast and Q10 improve your kidney functionThe kidneys cleanse our blood. Well-functioning kidneys are vital for the circulatory system and good health in general. Normal functioning of cells, including kidney cells, hinges on a host of different selenium-containing proteins and coenzyme Q10. Studies show that older people in many parts of the world, Europe included, have deficiencies of both substances. Therefore, a team of Swedish scientists conducted a study where they looked at selenium status and kidney function in a group of seniors. They gave selenium yeast and coenzyme Q10 or placebo to the participants for a period of four years. The results showed that the supplemented group as compared with the placebo group had improved kidney function according to several parameters. The positive effect on cellular energy metabolism, inflammation, and oxidative stress was attributed to the two supplements. The study is published in the science journal Nutrients.

Supplements with Q10 and other antioxidants for common eye diseases

Supplements with Q10 and other antioxidants for common eye diseasesThe blood supply to the retina of the eye is crucial for good vision. For that reason, experts recommend taking antioxidant supplements against eye diseases caused by an impaired blood supply to the retina. Although there is lacking evidence for the effectiveness of such supplements it appears now that Q10 and other antioxidants may improve vision when used in combination with conventional therapies, according to a Spanish study that is published in Nutrients. Because the body has difficulty with absorbing Q10 from supplements it is important to choose a supplement that has good bioavailability.

To lose weight – make sure to focus on your diet’s energy distribution, Q10, and three minerals

To lose weight – make sure to focus on your diet’s energy distribution, Q10, and three mineralsForget about keeping track of calories if you want to shape up. Weight loss is about eating the right kinds of food, and ensuring an optimal blend of carbohydrates, fat, and protein that guarantees satiety for four to six hours so you are not tempted by quick energy fixes. Continue reading and find out more about why it is so important to get plenty of Q10, iodine, selenium, and chromium for permanent results. The question is, why is it difficult to get enough from a normal diet? And why are so many people suffering from weight problems caused by metabolic disorders and insulin resistance?

Vitamin B12 inhibits an enzyme that is involved in Parkinson’s disease

Vitamin B12 inhibits an enzyme that is involved in Parkinson’s diseaseParkinson’s disease, also known as shaking palsy, is one of the most common chronic disorders among older people. There is no effective cure at this point, and the only way to address the disease is to suppress the symptoms but that does not treat the underlying cause. Even though most cases of Parkinson’s disease are sporadic, it turns out that the hereditary variants of the disease are linked to mutations in a particular gene. A team of scientists from University of the Basque Country in Spain has discovered that vitamin B12 blocks the enzyme that is involved in these mutations. An earlier study has also shown that in newly diagnosed Parkinson’s patients who have low levels of vitamin B12 the disease develops faster than in patients with higher levels of the nutrient.
The scientists therefore recommend supplementing with vitamin B12 to prevent or at least delay the disease. Earlier studies also show that vitamin B3 and Q10 may have a positive effect. So the reason that Parkinson’s disease is especially likely to affect old people is that they are at increased risk of lacking these essential nutrients.

Vitamin E and Q10 can prevent muscle damage after a heart attack

– and that can save lives

Vitamin E and Q10 can prevent muscle damage after a heart attack Heart attack is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. A heart attack may cause permanent damage to the cardiac muscle and that can impair the patient’s quality of life. According to a new pre-clinical study that is published in Redox Biology, immediate treatment with vitamin E may counteract lasting cardiac damage, and the researchers believe this could represent a new and inexpensive treatment option. Earlier studies have shown that high-dosed supplementation with pharmaceutical-grade Q10 significantly improves both quality of life and survival in patients with chronic heart failure.

Which supplements prevent cardiovascular disease?

Which supplements prevent cardiovascular disease?Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death, and both diet and lifestyle are of huge importance. According to a new meta-analysis, fish oil, folic acid, and Q10 are some of nutrients with the greatest potential to lower the risk. It is important to underline that supplements are not likely to make much of a difference if the dosage is too low or if the quality of the preparations is poor.

Zinc supplements reduce migraine headaches

- together with two other nutrients

Zinc supplements reduce migraine headachesMigraine is a chronic neurological disorder that can ruin your quality of life and cost you many sick days. Migraine medicine does not necessarily work for all patients and many people get side effects. Therefore, prevention is a better strategy. According to a new study published in Nutrition Journal, zinc supplements have the potential to significantly reduce the frequency of migraine headaches. You can also read about two other nutrients that reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks and what it is that triggers them. The most important thing is to find and address the different causes. Diet and lifestyle have a profound impact.

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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