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High-dosed antioxidant supplementation delays the development of the eye disease AMD

High-dosed antioxidant supplementation delays the development of the eye disease AMDAMD is a common eye disorder that involves symptoms such as blurred central vision and eventual blindness. There are two types of AMD – a wet and a dry form. Neither is curable. However, in a new analysis of data, researchers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US have found new evidence showing that high-dosed daily supplementation with antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin combined with different vitamins and minerals can delay the development of the eye disease and late stages of the dry form of AMD. This could potentially help people with dry AMD maintain part of their central vision. The mentioned antioxidants that are found in eggs and various vegetables may also prevent AMD, altogether.

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Remember to download Heart Healthy Seniors

Remember to download Heart Healthy Seniors
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The book describes how a new treatment that was tested by 443 seniors improved their heart health and reduced the incidence of cardiac death by 54%.

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◊ Ubiquinone or ubiqinol  - does it really matter?

◊ Glucosamine

◊ Women benefit from Omega-3

◊ Organic or inorganic chromium

◊ Essential Nutrients

◊ What is selenium?

◊ About vitamin E: Natural alfa-tocopherol

B vitamins affect our gut flora

- and vice versa

B vitamins affect our gut floraAll the different B vitamins are of vital importance to our energy levels, nervous system, skin, hair, and health in general. Our daily diet is the primary source of the vitamins but the intestinal flora is able to synthesize, consume, and compete for vitamin B in the host. Interactions between the body and the gut flora is therefore important for how we absorb and utilize the different B vitamins. On the other hand, lack of B vitamins or supplementation with B vitamins can also affect our gut flora, according to a review article that is published in Frontiers in Nutrition.

Glucosamine for osteoarthritis may also improve your digestion

Glucosamine for osteoarthritis may also improve your digestionFor decades, glucosamine has been used to prevent and treat osteoarthritis. According to a new study that is published in Nutrients, glucosamine supplements may also improve your digestion by counteracting abdominal bloating, constipation, and lumpy stools. It even looks as if glucosamine has other health benefits.

Gluten intolerance is associated with severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies

Gluten intolerance is associated with severe vitamin and mineral deficienciesPeople with celiac disease are hyper-sensitive towards gluten, which we get from wheat and other grains. Gluten triggers inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the small intestine, impairing the uptake of nutrients. At the time of being diagnosed with the condition, people are often severely deficient in vitamin B12, vitamin D, folic acid, zinc, and copper. That problem should be addressed, according to a large study from the Mayo Clinic, a large, non-profit medical center based in Minnesota, USA. A growing number of people are affected by celiac disease that is linked to digestive problems plus other symptoms that are often misdiagnosed because the patient lacks vital nutrients. In this article, you can read about the difference between celiac disease and other types of gluten intolerance and find out how to deal with the problem.

Intestinal disorders may be caused by too little vitamin D

Intestinal disorders may be caused by too little vitamin DIrritable bowel is the most common intestinal disorder and affects around 15 percent of the population. The symptoms are typically unstable digestion, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, and intestinal cramps. Several studies have shown that lack of vitamin D may cause the symptoms, and that taking a vitamin D supplement helps. This is because vitamin D is highly important for the intestinal immune defense and for controlling inflammation.

Magnesium for treating constipation and other symptoms

Magnesium for treating constipation and other symptomsMagnesium is involved in hundreds of different enzyme processes in the body, including ones that are important for our digestion. Magnesium is found in various compounds, and it has been known for a long time that magnesium oxide has a laxative effect. Because this particular magnesium compound only works locally in the intestine, it is difficult for the body to absorb it and is therefore not suited for supplementation if you want to correct a magnesium deficiency. In this article, we will look closer at dietary magnesium, the absorbability of different magnesium compounds, and magnesium’s role in our digestion and nervous system, which are closely related. We will also look at other symptoms that may be caused by a magnesium deficiency.

Selenium deficiency and how it affects the gut flora, intestinal diseases, and mental health

Selenium deficiency and how it affects the gut flora, intestinal diseases, and mental healthSelenium is an essential trace element of vital importance to our general health. The nutrient is also important for our gut flora, and being selenium-deficient may increase the risk of irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory gut diseases like Crohn’s disease and ulcerous colitis, and even bowel cancer. Our intestine is also called our “third brain” because both our gut flora and digestion have a significant influence on our mental well-being, according to a review article published in Frontiers in Nutrition. The authors focus on selenium because selenium deficiencies are common in China, Europe, and many other places, and supplementation may be necessary.

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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