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Healthy ageing requires plenty of magnesium

Healthy ageing requires plenty of magnesiumMagnesium is important for numerous physiological functions. In a new review article published in Nutrients, researchers have looked at the relation between the body’s magnesium levels and a variety of different ageing markers. Also, they hypothesize that optimal intake of magnesium throughout life is an easy and inexpensive way to obtain healthy ageing.

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Overview of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids


Overview of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids

Vitamins, minerals, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and Q10 are nutrients that we need in certain quantities in order to support vital body functions.
Nutritional supplements containing vitamins and minerals must be labeled in accordance with the reference values.

This overview serves as general information about the different vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids and how they work.

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the Vitamin and Mineral Guide

Chronic cough and lack of vitamin D

Chronic cough and lack of vitamin DA chronic cough often follows in the wake of virus infections such as colds, influenza, and COVID-19. Lack of vitamin D seems to be a major contributor, coupled with the fact that a vitamin D deficiency often increases during the disease period. Vitamin D is of vital importance to a strong immune defense and also helps to regulate inflammation. Therefore, supplementation with vitamin D may be worth considering as a way of preventing virus infections and treating complications such as chronic cough, according to two studies that are published in European Respiratory Journal.

Oily fish and fish oil supplements benefit the health of your lungs

Oily fish and fish oil supplements benefit the health of your lungsMost chronic pulmonary diseases – including asthma, bronchitis, and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) – are characterized by chronic inflammation that makes both the symptoms and the prognosis worse. Fish and fish oil supplements contain specific omega-3 fatty acids that appear to have an anti-inflammatory effect and may therefore be useful as both prevention and therapy for chronic pulmonary diseases. This was demonstrated in a large American population study that also included Europeans. What the researchers also mention is that people who fail to meet the official guidelines for fish consumption are often at increased risk of developing chronic lung diseases.

There is a link between COVID-19 deaths and vitamin D deficiency in Europe

There is a link between COVID-19 deaths and vitamin D deficiency in EuropeIt is mainly older people and those with chronic illnesses that are vulnerable to COVID-19 and other respiratory infections. Also, it’s a fact that lack of essential nutrients impairs your immune defense and may have serious health consequences, whether you are vaccinated or not. A large study of 19 European countries reveals that low blood levels of vitamin D increases the risk of complicated COVID-19 infections, hospitalization, and death. According to the scientists, it is necessary to discuss and optimize people’s vitamin D status to help them resist future pandemics.

Vitamin D’s immune-regulating and anti-viral functions

Vitamin D’s immune-regulating and anti-viral functionsMany of us contract respiratory infections during the winter period. In many cases, the underlying cause is a deficiency of vitamin D, a key nutrient for immune health. Vitamin D also regulates the body’s inflammatory response, thereby preventing it from getting out of hand and becoming complicated or life-threatening. In a new review article, researchers looked at vitamin D’s role in preventing and fighting acute respiratory infections such as COVID-19 and influenza with particular focus on children and youngsters. The scientists point out that many people need to take higher doses of vitamin D to optimize levels of the nutrient in their blood.

Zinc deficiency increases the risk of virus infections and subsequent dangerous pneumonia

Zinc deficiency increases the risk of virus infections and subsequent dangerous pneumoniaZinc has many different functions in the immune defense and a zinc deficiency increases the risk of infections and diarrhea, which are global causes of disease and mortality. According to a study published in Physiological Reports, being zinc-deficient can also lead to influenza complications such as bacterial pneumonia that is potentially lethal. The authors assume that zinc plays a key role in the body’s defense against respiratory infections, including COVID-19. They write that factors such as unhealthy diets, ageing, alcoholism, intestinal diseases, and various types of medicine can increase the body’s need for zinc.

Zinc lowers the COVID-19 mortality rate

Zinc lowers the COVID-19 mortality rateThe immune system is of vital importance to our ability to react to a COVID-19 infection. Most people don’t get any symptoms or only have mild ones, whereas the infection can become complicated and potentially life-threatening for certain exposed groups of people. Numerous studies have shown that our immune defense depends on different vitamins and minerals to function optimally. Now, a meta-analysis has shown that zinc supplementation can lower the mortality rate among COVID-19 patients. Many older people, chronically ill patients, and other vulnerable groups tend to lack zinc. This is a problem because the nutrient is not only essential for a well-functioning immune defense but also protects cells and tissues against damage caused by oxidative stress.

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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