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Omega-3 lowers your risk of heart disease and cardiac death

Omega-3 lowers your risk of heart disease and cardiac deathIt pays off to make sure to get enough omega-3 from your diet or by taking supplements. Studies show that the content of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are linked directly to a lower risk of developing atherosclerosis and dying of a heart attack. This was ween in a large epidemiological study that is published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

Read more about how increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids can lower your risk of fatal heart attacks

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Selenium deficiency, gluten intolerance, and metabolic disorders

Selenium deficiency, gluten intolerance, and metabolic disordersA selenium deficiency may increase the risk of gluten intolerance/celiac disease, which can lead to metabolic disorders and vice versa. Because selenium deficiencies may be a result of eating a poor diet and suffering from malabsorption, this may easily turn into a vicious cycle.

Read more about selenium deficiency and how it increases the risk of gluten intolerance/celiac disease, which may cause metabolic disorders

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Vitamin D has a positive influence on sports performance and the heart

Vitamin D has a positive influence on sports performance and the heartAccording to a study that was presented to a group of endocrinologists at an Edinburgh conference, supplements of vitamin D may improve sports performance and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. One of the things vitamin D does is to block the stress hormone cortisol that makes your blood pressure go up. The problem is that many people lack vitamin D, not only in the winter time but even during the summer period.

Read more about vitamin D's positive effects on sports performance

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Elevated blood sugar levels strain your heart and cardiovascular system

Elevated blood sugar levels strain your heart and cardiovascular systemA British study has shown that elevated blood sugar levels cause blood vessels to constrict. This strains the heart, raises blood pressure, and reduces the blood supply to other organs. It is therefore sugar and not saturated fat that is the cause of cardiovascular disease. We should be far more focused on how to control our blood sugar levels. Proper diet means a lot, and so does adequate intake of a particular essential trace element that appears to have a special role.

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