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Zinc supplements may boost heart health

- and provide other benefits

Zinc supplements may boost heart health Zinc is a trace element that is necessary for around 300 enzymes that control the thyroid gland, fertility, the nervous system, the immune system, and a number of other functions. A team of scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has found a close link between the body’s zinc status and cardiac function. Although clinical zinc deficiencies are rare, short-term subclinical zinc deficiencies are more widespread than previously thought. Even a minor zinc deficiency may affect cardiac health and the countless enzyme processes that depend on the presence of zinc. Besides, zinc is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells against oxidative stress. There are many reasons why it is important to get enough of this nutrient.

Read more about zinc supplements and how they improve heart health

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Steer clear of migraine triggers seek natural solutions

Steer clear of migraine triggers seek natural solutionsThe low spring sun and bright sunlight can trigger a migraine attack. According to a new report, migraines may also be caused by a lack of vitamin D, which are common during the spring period. The combination of both is therefore rather unfortunate. Earlier and more recent studies show that lack of Q10, magnesium, and B vitamins can also trigger migraines, a condition that makes life miserable for millions of people. What is important is to detect and avoid the things that seem to cause these attacks and, at the same time, make sure to compensate for the nutrients, which the cells are lacking, in order to help the nervous system, the hormone system, and the cardiovascular system function properly.

Read more about natural solutions that are useful against migraine headaches

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Vitamin K2 counteracts atherosclerosis and benefits the heart

Vitamin K2 counteracts atherosclerosis and benefits the heartLack of vitamin K2 increases your risk of stiff arteries and atherosclerosis, which is the leading cause of death worldwide. This was observed in two new studies, one that is published in the American Journal of Hypertension, the other in the journal Nephron. A third study that is published in Clinical Nutrition reveals that daily supplementation with vitamin K2 lowers the risk of early death caused by cardiovascular disease. Our diet used to provide substantially more vitamin K2 from fermented foods than now, and this type of food deserves a comeback. It is also important to know the difference between vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.

Read more about vitamin K2 and how it counteracts atherosclerosis and benefits the heart

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Vitamin B3 prevents glaucoma in mice and possibly even in humans

Vitamin B3 prevents glaucoma in mice and possibly even in humansMice that are genetically predisposed to glaucoma may avoid the eye disease if vitamin B3 is added to their drinking water. This was seen in a study that is published in the journal Science. The scientists behind the study say that vitamin B3 was surprisingly effective at eliminating the molecular alterations that normally occur with age-related glaucoma. They even see the vitamin as an inexpensive and potentially powerful tool for preventing this disease in the future. People should make sure to get plenty of vitamin B3, and it is also important to know that imbalanced diets, alcohol abuse, and the use of diuretics may easily result in a deficiency of the nutrient.

Read more about vitamin B3 and how it prevents glaucoma in mice and possibly even in humans

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Probiotic bacteria may help alleviate allergy symptoms

Probiotic bacteria may help alleviate allergy symptomsDuring spring and summer, many people suffer from allergy symptoms and hay fever because their immune system overreacts to airborne pollen. However, according to a new American study, it is possible that different lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria can help alleviate the symptoms. The explanation lies in our intestinal microflora and its importance for a properly functioning immune system.

Read more about probiotic bacteria and how they alleviate allergy symptoms

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Coenzyme Q10 as a determining factor of muscle strength and ageing processes

Coenzyme Q10 as a determining factor of muscle strength and ageing processesAgeing processes are associated with loss of muscle mass and impaired physical performance, both of which tend to lower quality of life. It is commonly known that coenzyme Q10 plays a significant role in cellular energy turnover and protects against oxidative stress. Now, two independent cohort studies even show a relation between the body’s Q10 status and muscle strength. Earlier research even suggests that Q10 supplements may help older people develop more youthful muscle fibers. Individuals who take cholesterol-lowering statins are advised to take Q10 supplements.

Read more about coenzyme Q10 as a determining factor of muscle strength and ageing processes

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Alzheimer’s disease is linked to deficiencies of polyunsaturated fatty acids – especially omega-3

Alzheimer’s disease is linked to deficiencies of polyunsaturated fatty acids – especially omega-3According to a study that is published in PLoS Medicine’s Special Issue on Dementia shows that low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain may speed up the development of Alzheimer’s disease. It is therefore vital not to shy away from dietary fats. What is important, however, is to consume unspoiled sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the proper balance. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have numerous functions in the brain, on which our nervous system, cardiovascular system, memory, learning ability, and lingual skills depend.

Read more about Alzheimer’s disease and its link to deficiencies of polyunsaturated fatty acids – especially omega-3

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Excessive use of suncream may cause vitamin D deficiency

- that increases your risk of different diseases and premature death

Excessive use of suncream may cause vitamin D deficiencyApproximately one billion people worldwide lack vitamin D because they get too little sunlight, they overuse suncream, or they have chronic diseases that prevent proper utilization of the nutrient. This was shown in a new study that is published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. During the summer period, health authorities and organizations issue warnings against the sun and recommend the use of suncream. These campaigns, however, should ideally be accompanied by recommendations on how to get enough vitamin D from other sources. Otherwise, the campaigns may do more harm than good, as all cells in the body need this essential nutrient, and the sun is the single best vitamin D source.

Read more about excessive use of suncream and how it can cause a vitamin D deficiency that increases your risk of disease and premature death

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