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Having a large waist circumference and lacking vitamin D are connected

 Having a large waist circumference and lacking vitamin D are connectedIf you have a large waist circumference, you are more likely to have low blood levels of vitamin D, according to a study that was presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) in Barcelona in 2018. The researchers therefore suggest that overweight individuals with a large waist circumference have their vitamin D levels measured, as this may help prevent many of the health problems that are linked to low vitamin D levels, including such things as an increased risk of infections, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, winter depression, blood sugar irregularities, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.

Read more about the connection between vitamin D deficiency and having a large waist circumference

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Omega-3 from oily fish is associated with healthy ageing of the body and mind

Omega-3 from oily fish is associated with healthy ageing of the body and mindEveryone has the desire to stay as youthful as possible, to be healthy, and to be able to enjoy senior life with good cognitive functioning and the ability to remain physically active. Of course, this requires that we take good care of ourselves, and a healthy diet is extremely important. It turns out that having high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which we primarily get from oily fish, is linked to a better chance of healthy aging and a longer life. There is a big difference between omega-3 fatty acids from animal sources and plant sources, according to a large population study that is published in the British Medical Journal.

Read more about why omega-3 from oily fish is associated with healthy ageing of the body and mind

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Iodine in table salt and bread prevents goiter

- plus thyroid disorders, poisoning, and a lot more

Iodine in table salt and bread prevents goiterIodine is the only mineral, which is compulsorily added to foods because it is can prevent goiter. Studies show that iodine also plays a role in the metabolism, the energy levels, estrogen balance and even helps prevent breast cancer. What is more, iodine can help the body get rid of environmental toxins such as fluoride compounds. Many experts believe that the official iodine recommendations are too low, and it is important to make a note of the fact that refined table salt often contains anti-caking agents like aluminum, and that sea salt is not enriched with iodine.

Read more about why iodine in table salt and bread can prevent goiter and thyroid disorders, poisoning, and many other things.

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Many people with chronic diseases lack magnesium

- and a regular blood test cannot reveal it

 Many people with chronic diseases lack magnesiumAlthough humans generally live longer now, an increasing number of people suffer from chronic diseases. Our medicine consumption is steadily increasing, yet the underlying causes are not addressed, and it is often down to a lack of essential nutrients. Just think of magnesium, a nutrient that is involved in more than 300 different enzyme processes that are important for our nervous system, digestion, muscle function, heart function, blood pressure, bone health, pregnancy, and utilization of vitamin D. This also means that lack of magnesium may be involved in the development of asthma, stress, insomnia, constipation, migraines, neurological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, premature deliveries etc. A recent review article published in Scientifica looks at the importance of magnesium in clinical therapy, and it is vital that magnesium supplements are in a form that the body can absorb and utilize.

Read more about why many people with chronic illnesses lack magnesium, and why a normal blood test is unable to reveal it

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Vitamin D’s ability to prevent cancer and other diseases depends on magnesium

Vitamin D’s ability to prevent cancer and other diseases depends on magnesiumEpidemiological studies have led to different results when it comes to vitamin D and its ability to protect against cancer, infections, and various diseases. However, according to a new study published in Cancer Research, this is because magnesium is involved in the activation of vitamin D, on which all cells depend. It therefore does no good to take supplements of vitamin D, if you lack magnesium. And this is exactly the case with many people who eat unhealthy diets, are stressed, use medicine etc.

Read more about why vitamin D’s ability to prevent cancer and other diseases depends on magnesium

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The link between autism and zinc deficiency in the early stage of a child’s development

The link between autism and zinc deficiency in the early stage of a child’s developmentMore and more people get autism. The disease is linked to, among other things, lack of zinc in the childhood. Although it has still not been proved, whether zinc deficiencies during pregnancy can cause autism, scientists have discovered a link between zinc, genes, and the abnormal neurological connections that are associated with autism. The scientists therefore see a whole new potential for treating the condition, but one must also take into account other factors in the environment.

Read more about the relation between autism and zinc deficiency in early childhood

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A diet rich in omega-3 may prevent breast cancer cells from growing and spreading

A diet rich in omega-3 may prevent breast cancer cells from growing and spreadingOne in nine Danish women gets breast cancer. Diet and lifestyle play a major role, and now an American study shows that omega-3 fatty acids, which are typically found in oily fish and fish oil supplements, may help prevent breast cancer cells from growing and spreading. According to lead investigator Saraswoti Khadge, who is affiliated with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, omega-3 fatty acids support the body’s immune defense and certain anti-inflammatory mechanisms. This study is in line with earlier research, so it may very well be prudent to make sure to get plenty of omega-3 for preventing and treating breast cancer.

Read more about how a diet rich in omega-3 can prevent breast cancer cells from growing and spreading

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Hair, hair loss, specific nutrients and their impact on your hair

Hair, hair loss, specific nutrients and their impact on your hairHaving healthy-looking hair means a lot to most people. Hair that splits at the ends, hair loss, and other hair problems may be caused by stress, hormone changes, and numerous other factors. In this article, we will take a closer look at the diet and its impact on hair health, and we will look at available studies of protein, iron, zinc, selenium, silica, B vitamins, vitamin D and vitamin A. The fact is, we need plenty of these nutrients in a form that the body can absorb and utilize. On the other hand, getting too much can do more harm than good, according to an article in Dermatology Practical & Conceptual, in which the author has analyzed the available research.

Read more about hair, hair loss, specific nutrients and how they affect your hair

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How can vitamin D and fish oil affect your risk of stroke and cancer?

How can vitamin D and fish oil affect your risk of stroke and cancer?Scientists have discussed for quite some time to what extent vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil are able to lower the risk of a heart attack, stroke, and cancer. Although quite a lot of studies have been conducted in this area, there still is no large-scale clinical population study that includes different races. However, an American study has shown that fish oil supplements lower your risk of a heart attack, and large quantities of vitamin D have a long-term preventative effect on different cancer forms. The effect of these two different supplements is also affected by a person’s race.

Read more about how vitamin and fish oil affect your risk of stroke and cancer

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Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him:

Chronic fatigue tied Alan to his bed but Q10 capsules saved him "After about one week of taking the Q10 supplement I could feel a huge difference," says 23-year old Alan Piccini, who has been suffering from extreme fatigue and muscle aches ever since he was a child.

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Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:

Cholesterol-lowering without side effects:“Taking capsules with co-enzyme Q10 has freed me of the severe side effects of my cholesterol lowering medicine,” Mrs Franken explains.
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