Vitamin C is essential for the immune defense for a number of reasons. According to a review of 12 recent studies, vitamin C administered in sufficiently high doses can prevent severe COVID-19 infections and save lives. The problem is that most people fail to follow the official dietary guidelines for fruit and vegetable consumption, which is why so many people lack vitamin C. Another thing is that health authorities in general are unaware of the health benefits of vitamin C in therapeutic doses, even after 80 years of international research.
Active vitamin protects us against virus infections in a number of different ways. Vitamin D also controls the inflammatory processes and prevents them from becoming complicated. In a review article published in World Journal of Virology, scientists have pored over multiple meta-analyses and placebo-controlled studies that show a clear relation between vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 and influenza. Being vitamin D-deficient can also increase the risk of these infections turning into SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) that can result in potentially life-threatening circulatory failure and organ failure. Apparently, vitamin D plays an important and overlooked role in the prevention of virus infections.
COVID-19 represents a serious global threat against public health and the economy because we still lack a vaccine and effective therapies. When COVID-19 becomes life-threatening it is primarily because the immune defense overreacts with a cytokine storm and hyperinflammation that destroys healthy tissue in the lungs, the circulatory system, and other places. Older people and heart failure patients already suffer from chronic low-grade, uncontrolled inflammation, to which nutrient deficiencies contribute and make the patients increasingly vulnerable. This also applies to people with metabolic syndrome and diabetes, many of which are overweight. For that reason, scientists affiliated with universities and research centers in Norway, Sweden, and Russia have searched the scientific literature to find studies that focus on whether supplementation with vitamin D, selenium, and zinc can help prevent a COVID-19 infection from escalating and becoming life-threatening.
A chronic cough often follows in the wake of virus infections such as colds, influenza, and COVID-19. Lack of vitamin D seems to be a major contributor, coupled with the fact that a vitamin D deficiency often increases during the disease period. Vitamin D is of vital importance to a strong immune defense and also helps to regulate inflammation. Therefore, supplementation with vitamin D may be worth considering as a way of preventing virus infections and treating complications such as chronic cough, according to two studies that are published in European Respiratory Journal.
According to a new study based on a number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the widespread lack of vitamin D increases the risk of being infected with COVID-19. It also increases the risk of complications and death as the result of a derailed immune defense. At the same time, supplementation with vitamin D appears to reduce both disease severity and death among COVID-19 patients, provided blood levels of the nutrient are optimal.
- an overlooked connection
When it comes to battling COVID-19, the main focus is on hygiene, face masks, lockdown, and delayed vaccines. For several months, scientists have urged people to take vitamin D supplements during the winter period as a way of preventing new waves of COVID-19. This is because vitamin D is of vital importance for a well-functioning immune system and it is known that deficiencies of this nutrient contribute to the spread of seasonal virus infections. We also see that groups of people that are most likely to be vitamin D-deficient – including seniors, nursing home residents, people with dark skin, overweight individuals, diabetics, and those with chronic diseases – are most vulnerable towards COVID-19. The British government is already handing out vitamin D supplements to exposed groups, according to an article in Daily Mail and a review article that is published in British Medical Journal. But why is vitamin D so important for the immune defense, why are some people more likely to become deficient, and how much vitamin D do we actually need? Also, will vaccines cut the mustard if COVID-19 mutates?
If you lose your sense of smell all of a sudden, it is most likely a sign that you have been infected with the coronavirus, according two large, international studies published in the science journal Chemical Senses. Many COVID-19 patients also lose their sense of taste and even if there are no other complications, it can affect their quality of life. The big question is if there is a link between zinc deficiency, corona infection, and these symptoms. It is already an established fact that zinc is important for our immune defense, for our sense of taste and smell, and as an antioxidant that protects our cells. Also, it is known that zinc deficiencies are rather common and people with unhealthy eating habits, vegetarians, vegans, older people, and diabetics are at increased risk. Birth control pills and certain types of medicine also increase the risk of lacking zinc.
- so make sure to get enough of the nutrient during the winter period
COVID-19 is highly unpredictable and be either totally harmless or life-threatening. Scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee recently made a comprehensive genetic analysis that reveals a new hypothesis – the bradykinin hypothesis – which shows why COVID-19 attacks the way it does, why symptoms vary, and why some groups of people are more vulnerable than others. The hypothesis also underpins the importance of getting enough vitamin D to prevent or possibly treat the disease. Vitamin D deficiency in the winter period is quite common and that may pave the road for new rounds of COVID-19 and an increased risk of complications.
It has already been documented that the widespread problems with vitamin D deficiency increase the risk of being infected with COVID-19 and developing life-threatening complications. In a new study, a team of Turkish scientists has demonstrated that swift treatment with vitamin D can shorten the length of hospital stays plus reduce mortality risk by 50 percent. What’s more, it even has a positive effect on comorbidity. Vitamin D deficiencies are especially common during the winter period and among seniors, people of color, overweight individuals, diabetics, and other vulnerable groups. This makes the study results very relevant, especially when you consider the fact that vaccines only have a limited effect.
Since December of 2021, two large meta-analyses have revealed that having low levels of vitamin D in your blood increases the risk of COVID-19 infections, severe disease, admission to intensive care, and death. A third meta-analysis has shown that only 12 percent of COVID-19 patients who took supplements of vitamin D were admitted to intensive care, compared to 26 percent of the non-supplemented. Finally, a fourth meta-analysis shows that supplementation with vitamin D significantly lowers the risk of life-threatening COVID-19 infections. This is particularly relevant during the winter period and among people at risk of being vitamin D-deficient, including groups such as seniors, people with dark skin, overweight people, and the chronically ill. There is an alarming need for increased focus on vitamin D supplements to prevent and treat COVID-19 and other virus infections by optimizing blood levels of the nutrient. It is also important to get plenty of magnesium, a nutrient the body needs to activate vitamin D.
According to a pilot study from Los Angeles, patients with higher blood levels of omega-3fatty acids in their blood are 75 percent less likely to die from a COVID-19 infection. The scientists behind the study assume it is because of the anti-inflammatory properties of the omega-3 fatty acids and their ability to regulate the immune defense, which is often completely derailed in serious cases of COVID-19. The scientists also mention other nutrients with anti-inflammatory properties.
Magnesium is involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in the body, including the activation of vitamin D that we synthesize from sun exposure or take in supplement form. For that reason, magnesium is essential for the immune defense and its ability to fight COVID-19. Moreover, low magnesium levels in the body can foreshadow complications in connection with a COVID-19 infection, according to a study that is published in Nutrients. The scientists therefore say that it is relevant to measure hospitalized patients’ magnesium levels and correct any deficiencies. Many people, especially older individuals, get too little magnesium from their diets, and several types of medicine can impair the uptake and utilization of the nutrient.
Vitamin Dis important for a swift and effective immune response. Once COVID-19 infections become complicated and life-threatening, it is not the virus that is the threat but the fact that the immune defense reacts too slowly and then causes hyperinflammation that damages healthy tissues in the respiratory system and circulatory system.
French scientists have made a meta-analysis where they looked at the relation between vitamin D levels in the elderly and COVID-19. Their review revealed that lack of vitamin D increases the infection risk and makes it more likely that the infections become complicated and life-threatening. Vitamin D deficiency is common among older people and for that reason, the researchers recommend vitamin D supplements as an inexpensive strategy for prevention and as a supplementary source of treatment.
The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing and we are currently being threatened by B117 and other mutated versions of the virus. Some people are immune, some get mild infections, and some develop life-threatening complications. A team of international scientists has tried to find out why people react so differently. It appears vitamin D deficiency plays a major role. According to a new study that is published in the science journal Endocrine in January 2021, low blood levels of vitamin D are linked to an increased risk of being hospitalized. The scientists behind the new study point to vitamin D supplements as an inexpensive and fast way to improve patients’ health.
According to a retrospective study of older COVID-19 patients, lack of vitamin D is linked to serious lung symptoms, longer disease duration, and increased risk of death. The problem is made worse by the fact that vitamin D deficiencies are so common among older people, nursing home residents, and exposed population groups. According to a new study published in Nutrients, doctors and scientists advise governments worldwide to include vitamin D supplementation in their campaigns and strategies for fighting COVID-19 and mutations of the virus. The study supports earlier research showing that lack of vitamin D is a risk factor for all age groups. The question is how much vitamin D does one need to have optimal levels of the nutrient in the blood?
Vitamin D is of vital importance to a well-functioning immune defense and it protects against virus infections. This has been confirmed by Denmark’s infection control agency, Statens Serum Institut, and researchers from Harvard University in Boston, USA. In a study, the Danish and American scientists found that having low levels of vitamin D in the blood is associated with a greater risk of severe disease outcome in patients with COVID-19.
A panel of physicians and professors collaborating with the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SSN) recently reviewed the scientific evidence on the role of micronutrients in supporting a well-functioning immune defense for optimal health with particular focus on viral infections related to COVID-19. They conclude that there is widespread lack of vitamin C, vitamin D, selenium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which are crucial nutrients for the immune system. These deficiencies contribute to new waves of COVID-19 and can cause the infections to become life-threatening. The panel calls for immediate action with relevant focus on diet and supplements.
Because COVID-19 mutates from time to time, a vaccine can only provide temporary protection. Also, studies suggest that what makes COVID-19 dangerous is when the immune defense overreacts by launching so-called hyperinflammation that can damage the circulatory system and healthy tissues. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil turn out to have the potential to prevent COVID-19 infections from becoming life-threatening due to hyperinflammation. That way, fish oil can also help improve survival, according to a review article that is published in International Journal of General Medicine.
The immune system cannot function without vitamin D. In fact, blood levels of the nutrient should ideally be higher than the official threshold values for optimal protection against COVID-19 and other respiratory infections, according to a new study from the University of Chicago Medicine that is published in JAMA. An estimated 50 percent or so of the world’s population is believed to lack vitamin D, and people with dark skin are particularly vulnerable. It has been shown in previous studies that the majority of people who test positive for COVID-19 lack vitamin D. Therefore, scientists plan to look at whether daily vitamin D supplementation can help prevent COVID-19 infections or reduce serious symptoms. The researchers mention that it often takes high-dosed supplements to optimize levels of vitamin D in the blood.
Chronic fatigue commonly follows in the wake of influenza, herpes, COVID-19, and other infections. The immune system does not function optimally, and the tiredness is caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. The condition is often accompanied by poor concentration, depression, and sleep disturbances. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between pro-inflammatory free radicals and protective antioxidants. Vitamin Chappens to be one of the most potent antioxidants, and intravenous vitamin C therapy has been shown to reduce tiredness that follows after different types of virus infections, according to a review article in the scientific journal Nutrients. Here, the scientists also write about intravenous vitamin C therapy in connection with chronic fatigue syndrome following COVID-19 infections.
Vitamin B6 is important for our energy levels, immune defense, nervous system, and a host of other functions. Vitamin B6 may even be able to reduce the severity of COVID-19 infections, according to an article written by Japanese, Chinese, and Thai scientists and published in Frontiers in Nutrition. The researchers refer to several clinical studies that show how vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc are able to reduce serious symptoms in COVID-19 patients, and they call for more studies of vitamin B6, simply because patients that are severely affected by COVID-19 often suffer from traumatic diseases and lack of several essential nutrients.
When it comes to COVID-19 and other seasonal virus infections most of the focus is concentrated on vitamin D deficiency. According to a Belgian study, however, lack of selenium and zinc additionally increases the risk of infections, complications, and death, especially among patients who already suffer from chronic diseases. The scientists conclude that supplementation with selenium and zinc may help improve treatments. Selenium and zinc deficiencies are rather common and that is a problem for public health. Even with a healthy diet, it is practically impossible for Europeans to get enough selenium because of the nutrient-depleted farmland. There are also many people with zinc deficiencies due to unhealthy diets, ageing, chronic diseases, and other contributing factors. We must be much more focused on getting enough selenium and zinc, not least for the sake of preventing virus infections and other problems.
- and become increasingly dangerous
Around one billion people worldwide are believed to lack selenium, mainly due to nutrient-depleted farmland. Selenium deficiency makes us more vulnerable to infections and increases the risk of a virus mutating and becoming more dangerous. This was shown in previous studies of RNA virus that can cause influenza, hepatitis, HIV, and Keshan disease. Coronavirus that causes the common cold and COVID-19 infections also belongs to the group of RNA virus and has a unique ability to mutate. Three new mutated virus types have been found in mink and stand in the way of a future vaccine. Therefore, we are forced to bolster our immune defense, which is designed to attack virus from different angles. Still, even if we eat a healthy diet it can be challenging to get enough selenium, and that is why an increasing number of international researchers now recommend selenium supplements to help fight coronavirus.
Vitamin C has a vital role in our immune defense, and having low blood levels of the nutrient can affect the severity of infections such as COVID-19 and influenza, according to a review article published in Aging and Disease. The scientists behind the study also refer to other studies that have looked at large doses of intravenous vitamin C given to patients with sepsis and life-threatening COVID-19 infections. Vitamin C deficiency is a widespread problem for various reasons and that only adds to the problem.
- for longer periods
Vitamin D’s role in maintaining proper health is well documented. Still, many older people lack the nutrient and that increases their risk of bone fractures, blood poisoning, and disease complications that can eventually lead to hospitalization. Also, they risk prolonged hospitalization according to a new Irish study published in the scientific journal Nutrients. The scientists recommend giving vitamin D supplements to seniors to increase their blood levels of vitamin D. Other studies even suggest that this can protect against COVID-19, as low vitamin D status is associated with an increased risk of being hospitalized with the disease.
A large Israeli population study of over 4.6 million people shows that lack of sunshine and vitamin D increases the risk of COVID-19 infections and new infection waves in the winter period. The study shows why seniors, those with chronic disease, overweight individuals, and certain ethnic groups such as orthodox male Jews and female Muslims are more vulnerable. The scientists recommend vitamin D supplementation throughout the winter period or even all year round for those who do not get enough sun exposure during the summer. You can also read about why face masks block the body’s vitamin D synthesis, why COVID-19 originates from bats, and other mysteries related to the spread of the infection.
Magnesium plays a vital role in the immune defense by regulating inflammation, which is a property that determines the body’s ability to tackle COVID-19 and other infections. People who lack magnesium have an increased risk of being infected with COVID-19 and also that the infection becomes life-threatening. This was shown in a large American population study that also revealed how widespread a problem magnesium deficiency is. The scientists therefore assume that an optimization of people’s magnesium status in the future can contribute to the protection against COVID-19 and similar respiratory infections. It is also important to get enough vitamin D because the two nutrients interact with each other.
The winter period is the time of year where we typically lack vitamin D, and this contributes to new waves of COVID-19 and other virus infections. Moreover, many older people, dark-skinned individuals, nursing home residents, and diabetics often suffer from chronic vitamin D deficiency which makes them much more vulnerable. Since the springe of 2020, numerous studies have demonstrated that lack of vitamin D increases the risk of COVID-19 infections, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), intensive care admission, and death. This is described in a new meta-analysis that is published in Frontiers in Public Health. Danish threshold levels for vitamin D in the blood are also too low, apparently. The question is: How much vitamin D do we really need?
Vitamin D is vital for a well-functioning immune defense, yet a stunning 80 percent of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 lack the nutrient, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Earlier research has shown that having too little vitamin D in your system increases the risk of life-threatening complications. It is also a well-known fact that vitamin D deficiency is a problem that is more widespread during the winter period, especially among exposed groups like seniors, nursing home residents, chronically ill, and dark-skinned people.
- and an alarming need to establish responsibility
Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread problem, which increases the risk of complicated COVID-19 infections, muscle weakness, cancer, and a lot of other problems. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration now recommends that both children and adults take vitamin D supplements throughout the entire winter period and that particularly vulnerable groups take high-dosed vitamin D supplements all year round. However, the new recommendations have not yet been included in the Danish Health Authority’s awareness campaigns for fighting COVID-19 because vitamin D appears to have ended up in a legal gap between being a foodstuff on one side and medicine on the other. According to a British study that was published earlier, there is currently an alarming need to establish responsibility in order to make sure that nursing home residents and other exposed groups get their vitamin D supplements, just like they receive their prescription medicine.
- and lacking responsibility contributes to the complicated COVID-19 infections
Health authorities worldwide recommend supplements of vitamin D to older people, nursing home residents, and people who get too little sun. However, most old people are not familiar with these recommendations, and vitamin D supplements are not handed out routinely in old age homes. Because of the widespread problems with vitamin D deficiency in these vulnerable groups, their risk of disease is increased. Also, they risk that a COVID-19 infection becomes complicated and life-threatening. A new British study set out to investigate the current practical guidelines for administering vitamin D supplements to nursing home residents and the responsibility for making sure this happens. The investigators believe that we desperately need a solution to this serious problem right now, considering the scope of the pandemic.
- even in the case of COVID-19
Vitamin D is important for a well-functioning immune defense and a number of other functions. A team of scientists from Purdue University and National Institutes of Health in the United States has recently uncovered mechanisms that enable vitamin D to reduce hyperinflammation in severe COVID-19 cases. The scientists refer to a particularly active vitamin D metabolite that is formed in immune cells, in the lungs, and various other places. It is important to have adequate levels of vitamin D at all times, and it is equally vital for the body to be able to activate vitamin D, a process that requires the presence of magnesium.
After a COVID-19 infection many people experience chronic symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, depression, and sleep disturbances. According to a study that is published in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, supplementing with Q10and alpha-lipoic acid may help against tiredness and certain other symptoms. The authors describe how Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid support the cellular energy turnover in different ways and serve as antioxidants that protect cells against oxidative stress and cellular damage.
The corona crisis has shed new light on the importance of having a strong immune defense, one that protects us against virus infections in the long run. Selenium plays a vital role for a number of different reasons but, unfortunately, there is widespread deficiency which increases the risk of infections and related complications. In a new review article that is published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences, the authors look closer at selenium’s role in connection with different types of virus infections such as influenza, HIV, and hepatitis with particular focus on COVID-19. The purpose of their article is to inform about new nutritional strategies that may contribute to a strong and well-functioning immune defense – mainly when it comes to COVID-19 and virus types that tend to mutate all the time.
Our nutritional status is of vital importance to our health and our ability to handle infections. Seleniumhas several functions in the immune system, including its role as an antioxidant and in counteracting unwanted inflammation. Selenium is also able to prevent virus from mutating and becoming more virulent or creating new waves of disease. A team of Chinese scientists have reviewed a number of studies of selenium and its key role in the defense against influenza, HIV, and other types of RNA virus. They have found, among other things, that the risk of contracting a COVID-19 infection is 10 times lower in areas where the soil is rich in selenium. Therefore, it is a huge problem that selenium deficiency due to selenium-depleted farmland is so widespread in Europe, China, Africa, and many other places.
There is worldwide focus on finding better ways to prevent and treat COVID-19 because of the limited effect of vaccines. It is important to understand why the infections are harmless in most cases and why only a small number of people are affected by ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), which is complicated and involves hyperinflammation. What represents the real problem here and what makes these infections life-threatening is a derailed and overactive immune defense. Multiple studies have already demonstrated that lack of vitamin D increases the risk of being infected with COVID-19 ending up in intensive care, and the studies also show that vitamin D supplements have a therapeutic potential. In a new review article that is published in Clinical and Molecular Allergy, researchers look closer at the synergy between vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc in relation to their ability to regulate the immune system and as potential therapeutic agents. It is also vital to have enough selenium, a nutrient that many people lack.
An abundance of international science links widespread vitamin D deficiency to impaired immune defense, a problem that has contributed to new COVID-19 waves and tends to make the infections life-threatening. The British government has therefore decided to give free vitamin D supplements to 2.2 million seniors, nursing home residents, chronically ill, and other vulnerable people to help combat COVID-19. The whole purpose of this is to slow down the epidemic and put an end to the numerous shutdowns of society, according to an article in the Daily Mail.
It is mainly older people and those with chronic illnesses that are vulnerable to COVID-19 and other respiratory infections. Also, it’s a fact that lack of essential nutrients impairs your immune defense and may have serious health consequences, whether you are vaccinated or not. A large study of 19 European countries reveals that low blood levels of vitamin D increases the risk of complicated COVID-19 infections, hospitalization, and death. According to the scientists, it is necessary to discuss and optimize people’s vitamin D status to help them resist future pandemics.
Vitamin D is essential for the immune defense but many of us are deficient of the nutrient during the dark winter period. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration therefore recommends for everyone to take a vitamin D supplement in the winter months and that vulnerable population groups supplement all year round. Many people are unaware that being vitamin D-deficient contributes to new waves of COVID-19 and other types of viruses while increasing the risk of infections becoming complicated and life-threatening. This was demonstrated in multiple studies that have been published over the past 18 months. Leading scientists call for immediate action in terms of optimizing vitamin D levels in the population to help fight COVID-19 and other virus infections, simply because vaccines only have limited effect.
Vitamin D is essential for the immune defense. Because deficiencies of the nutrient are becoming increasingly common and vaccines only have limited effect, we can expect new waves of COVID-19 during the winter period. Vitamin D counteracts chronic inflammation which is seen in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Multiple studies have shown a link between low blood levels of vitamin D and the occurrence of these diseases. In a new meta-analysis that is published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, scientists look closer at the scientific data for risk factors involved with vitamin D deficiencies and the advantages of taking vitamin D supplements in connection with COVID-19, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases.
The body’s vitamin D status can be used to predict the risk of contracting COVID-19, developing serious symptoms in the acute disease phase, and dying of its complications. This was demonstrated in a large Chinese study, where majmost of the hospitalized COVID-19 patients lacked vitamin D.
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic started, scientists have focused on vitamin D. This nutrient strengthens and regulates the immune defense in a number of different ways. Numerous studies have shown that lack of vitamin D increases the risk of being infected with COVID-19 and running into complications. High-dosed vitamin D supplementation of COVID-19 patients can lower their risk of being admitted to the intensive care unit and dying of the disease, according to a new meta-analysis that is published in Nutrients.
Many critically ill patients lack vitamin D to an extent that can be life-threatening. This also goes for patients hospitalized with COVID-19. A large meta-analysis concludes that supplementation with vitamin D can lower all-cause mortality and reduce the duration of patients’ stay in intensive care. In the meta-analysis, the researchers look at the mechanisms that enable vitamin D to regulate inflammation and oxidative stress, which can lead to organ failure in critically ill patients.
Many of us contract respiratory infections during the winter period. In many cases, the underlying cause is a deficiency of vitamin D, a key nutrient for immune health. Vitamin D also regulates the body’s inflammatory response, thereby preventing it from getting out of hand and becoming complicated or life-threatening. In a new review article, researchers looked at vitamin D’s role in preventing and fighting acute respiratory infections such as COVID-19 and influenza with particular focus on children and youngsters. The scientists point out that many people need to take higher doses of vitamin D to optimize levels of the nutrient in their blood.
Vitamin D plays a major role in our health. The main focus, however, is on vitamin D’s importance for bones, while many health professionals are totally unaware of the nutrient’s other essential functions. According to a review article published in Nutrients, half the global population has low vitamin D levels in the blood, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory infections like COVID-19, and early death. The authors also mention that vitamin D science is often inadequate or misleading because studies focus on supplementation rather than looking at blood levels of 25(OH)D. Consequently, trials are often made with far too small vitamin D doses or with too a short a trial period. In either case, blood levels of vitamin D fail to reach their optimum. What is more, levels of 25(OH)D in the blood should ideally be above 75 nmol/L in order to protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death. Because this threshold level is higher than the official threshold levels, the scientists recommend high-dosed vitamin D levels as a way to reach an optimal nutrient status.
It is already known that severely affected corona patients often lack vitamin D and selenium, both of which are nutrients that are important for the immune system. A team of Danish scientists has now confirmed a Dutch study showing that lack of vitamin K is also widespread among patients with severe cases of the coronavirus. Vitamin K is mainly found in dark, leafy greens. In the body, the nutrient occurs as vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 and they have different functions. Lack of vitamin K or poor utilization of the nutrient may be a result of a poor diet or using certain types of medicine. Although there is no evidence that vitamin K can prevent or mitigate corona infections, the scientists present several interesting hypotheses.
The trace element selenium has a vital yet overlooked role in ensuring a well-functioning immune system, and the widespread problems with selenium deficiency increase the risk of dying of COVID-19, according to a large German study that is published in the science journal Nutrients. The scientists therefore conclude that determining the patients’ blood selenium levels may provide vital diagnostic information. Also, the researchers conclude that it may be necessary to include selenium supplements in the treatment of COVID-19, especially with older people, diabetics, and those with chronic diseases that are at particular risk of life-threatening complications. The agricultural soil in Europe and other parts of the world contains relatively little selenium, which is why it is imperative to focus more on getting adequate amounts of this essential nutrient for the sake of preventing COVID-19 and other viral infections. It appears that the official recommendations – the so-called reference intake levels or RI – are not sufficient to meet the body’s actual requirements.
The immune system is of vital importance to our ability to react to a COVID-19 infection. Most people don’t get any symptoms or only have mild ones, whereas the infection can become complicated and potentially life-threatening for certain exposed groups of people. Numerous studies have shown that our immune defense depends on different vitamins and minerals to function optimally. Now, a meta-analysis has shown that zinc supplementation can lower the mortality rate among COVID-19 patients. Many older people, chronically ill patients, and other vulnerable groups tend to lack zinc. This is a problem because the nutrient is not only essential for a well-functioning immune defense but also protects cells and tissues against damage caused by oxidative stress.