Chart for revealing pitfalls and good advice on beverages

Chart for revealing pitfalls and good advice on beveragesYou drink milk or juice with your meal

Advice  Drink water (you can add a little lemon). It is good for your digestion and reduces your food uptake.

You drink tea/coffee with milk, cafe latte, cocoa milk or ice tea

Advice  Try drinking black coffee/green tea, possibly with a bit of cinnamon that has a good effect on your metabolism.

You like wine/beer with your food

Alcohol makes you feel good
It is difficult for you to say no
You don’t think about how much alcohol you consume during the course of the week

Advice  Try counting how many units you consume per week to keep better track.
Limit your intake
Avoid drinking alcohol during the week or take a break from alcohol, once you have obtained your desired weight
Seek professional help if you are unable to control your intake.

You drink light products to lose weight

Advice  Drink water on a daily basis
You can also make your own lemonade with half a squeezed lemon and a few drops of sweet stevia in a glass of water.

You find that water tastes bland

Advice  Make it a habit to drink at least 3-4 glasses of water every day. Add a little lemon or ginger to spice up the flavor. It is a good idea to drink green tea with your meals.